L2022.6 Release Notes

For a list of release dates and Sisense's end of support schedule, see Sisense Version Release and Support Schedule.

Privacy and Security Information

This release contains several security related updates. We highly recommend upgrading to this latest release to take advantage of any security-related updates and benefit from the Sisense support and warranty. In addition, Sisense strongly recommends regularly testing and auditing your environment after upgrading, and periodically during your subscription term, to ensure all privacy and security settings remain in place.

Customers are responsible for controlling and monitoring your environments and are therefore in the best position to ensure the correct security settings are in place for how you use Sisense products.

Due to the complexity of Sisense products, we strongly suggest that all customers ensure that you understand how all of the privacy and security settings within Sisense work.

If you use Sisense to store/process sensitive data, it is your responsibility to review and test your implementation to ensure you are not inadvertently sharing data with unauthorized third parties. For more information on data security rules, see Data Access Security.

  • Due to upcoming new features the default group named "Everyone" was renamed to "All users in system". The "Everyone"group name will be used when the new feature is released, so for now the "Everyone" group name is unavailable.
  • If you have a loaded system, restart the ElastiCube pods before installation.
  • Starting L2022.7, Kubespray will be decommissioned. To upgrade from Kubespray to RKE, see Migrating from Kubespray to RKE.


  • Server side add-ons break following L2021.12 installation
  • Grafana Dashboards: When performing a Sisense Provisioner or RKE installation, the installation supports Kubernetes 1.22. Therefore, the Prometheus stack was changed from prometheus-operator to kube-prometheus-stack. This means that any private customizations done on Grafana need to be manually migrated (see Upgrading Sisense). Out of the box, Grafana dashboards will be created on the new stack.
    The RKE upgrade from Kubernetes 1.21 to 1.22 is only supported for RKE or RKE Provisioner installations and occurs if update_k8s_version is set to true in the YAML configuration file. Customizations affected are Grafana dashboards, alerts, notifications, etc., revert to the default state.
  • The Google Adwords native connector is no longer supported because it uses Google APIs that Google deprecated. New installations from 2022.5 and up will no longer contain the Google Adwords native connector. Customers with older versions of Sisense, or who upgrade to 2022.5 or higher can use this workaround: Using Google Ads connector for EC models with CDATA Driver.

Release Overview

Release L2022.6 provides a number of new features and significant improvements to Sisense for Linux.

Feature Impact Summary

This release contains several new features. The following table lists the high-level impact (or potential impact, if any) of each of these features, and how to handle it if upgrading to this version. Continue reading the Release Notes below the table for a detailed explanation of each feature.

Feature Impact Required Actions / Issues to Consider
Analytical Engine - Mode, Variance (Population), Variance (Sample) Support N/A N/A
Analytical Engine - Fiscal Year for Live Models

Filter Relationship Background Filters - If you set a background filter as part of an OR statement, filtered members / values of the background filter may appear as results matching the OR operator. Avoid setting an OR parameter for a background filter.
Time-level Support The query often reaches its limits when presenting one hour or 15 minute resolution of data. Add filters before changing to time resolution.
Disabling Lazy Loading in Blox Disabling lazy loading may affect the speed of loading the initial page. Set the carousel property to false if disableLazyLoading is used.
EmbedSDK Generic Event for Navigation N/A N/A
Dynamic Live Connections N/A N/A
New Connectors Framework for Google Sheets Use of the old connectors framework may cause builds to fail. Use the new connectors framework.

What's New

This release includes the following new features:

Analytical Engine - Mode, Variance (Population), Variance (Sample) Support

The Mode, Variance (Population), and Variance (Sample) statistical functions can be used on live models. This is available with the Analytical Engine Overview that supports Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery.

Analytical Engine - Fiscal Year for Live Models

You can change the beginning of the fiscal year for the live data model. The fiscal calendar affects how time is calculated on your dashboard. You also receive an indication, for example when filtering your widgets and dashboards by time, via the FY tag.

For further detail, see Changing Your Fiscal Year.

Filter Relationship

  • Dashboard designers can create and manage complex analytical cases independently, without the need to create custom columns in the model, by building relationships between the dashboard filters.
  • Use the Filter Relationship editor to change the filter relationship statement
  • Filter blocks in the Filter Relationship statement provide a textual representation of the currently applied dashboard filter in the editor view.
  • See Filter Relationship Editor.

Time-level Support

Dashboard designers can select the date representation of the widget as a Continuous or Aggregated timeline, and can set the date granularity to 1 hour or 15 minutes. For example when you want to analyze hourly income over a week.

For further details, see Date and Time Fields.

Disabling Lazy Loading in Blox

The new disableLazyLoading Blox property enables you to show all of the widget's results simultaneously. This is useful when you need to overcome the 10 column limit of Blox Transpose Pivot, or other similar cases. See BloX Reference.


Disabling lazy loading may affect the speed of loading the initial page.

EmbedSDK Generic Event for Navigation

There is a new event that fires when navigating from one page to another. You can subscribe to it and build additional logic for your application as required.


    sisenseFrame.app.on(enums.ApplicationEventType.STATECHANGED, (args) => {
    if (args.toState.startsWith('home')) {
    window.location = 'https://example.com/analytics/home';

Dynamic Live Connections

The new POST /api/v1/user-parameters/{id}/values end-point was added to update a subset of user parameter values. For the API details, in Sisense, navigate to Admin > REST API > parameters.


User group values can now share the same priorities. If there is a conflict (that is, a user belongs to two or more groups with the same priority), the value of the user parameter for the group whose name comes first alphabetically is used.

New Connectors Framework for Google Sheets

Starting from L2022.6, use of the new connectors framework for Google Sheets is enforced. Use of the old connectors framework may cause build failures.

  1. Make sure that you are using new connectors framework: Admin > System Management > Configuration > Manage Connectors > Google Sheets > Toggle ON > Save.
  2. At the bottom of the Google Sheets connector configuration, make sure to toggle on useOAuthSettingsFile.value.
  3. Navigate to File Management > Connectors > Connectors folder and delete the Google Spreadsheets folder entirely. This folder will be re-created automatically.

What's Improved

What's Fixed

Embedding Sisense

  • Sisense.v1.js no longer affects the parent application's styles.
  • The default iFrame styles are no longer overwritten after calling the sisenseFrame.hide and sisenseFrame.show EmbedSDK methods.

Live Connector

Dynamic Live Connections:

  • The PATCH /api/v1/user-parameters/{user_id} REST API now works, even if the optional 'description' field in the payload is empty.


Watch this video for an overview of selected features from this release: