Release Notes

Before You Upgrade

Sisense is continually making improvements to the Sisense infrastructure to provide a more robust and scalable system.


If you need to upgrade to an older version, see that version’s Release Notes and contact your Sisense Customer Success Manager for the version package.

Before you upgrade, you should back up your Sisense installation, and review the following topics for a complete explanation of the changes and what features and functionality were impacted:


The end of support for each version of Sisense is one year after that version's release date.


11 March, 2025 - Official Release

What's Improved

.NET Framework

  • The .NET Framework has been upgraded to version 4.6.2.


  • Additional logging has been added to assist with identifying potential login issues.

What’s Fixed


  • Metadata Aliasing - Previously, metadata aliasing did not translate custom axis titles on charts. This has now been fixed and works as expected.


  • Previously, the API GET /elasticubes/servers/next/{address}/{cubeId} returned database passwords in plain text. This has now been fixed and the passwords are encrypted in json output.

Dashboards & Widgets

  • Previously, in the Analytics tab, the number of widgets shown for a duplicated dashboard was sometimes incorrect. This has now been fixed and works as expected.

Exploration Paths

  • Previously, Exploration Paths only worked on Indicator widgets. This has now been fixed, and works as expected on all relevant widgets.

Export to CSV/Excel

  • Previously, CSV downloads did not preserve the formatting that was set at the widget level when using the “Format Number” configuration (“Thousands separator” and “Decimal places”). This has now been fixed, and the CSV export of the widget is correlated with the “Format Number” configuration.

  • Previously, Export to Excel returned an error when a column in a Pivot table contained double quotes ("). This has now been fixed, and the widget is successfully exported to Excel.


  • Previously, the MIN function returned incorrect values. This has now been fixed and the correct values are returned.

  • Previously, the ALL function sometimes returned incorrect values. This has now been fixed and the correct values are returned.

  • Previously, the SUM function sometimes returned an incorrect value at the end of a decimal value. This has now been fixed and the correct value is returned.

W2024.9 - Hotfix 1

04 February, 2025 - Official Release

What's Fixed

Trend and Forecast

  • Previously, in some cases the Trend and Forecast features caused pending requests to loop and remain in a loading state until a timeout, and an error message was returned. This has now been fixed, and these features work as expected.


15 October, 2024 - Official Release

What's Improved


  • There is a new JRE installer for the new Java version 8u421.

  • Sisense supports Java 8 / OpenJDK 8.


  • NodeJS has been upgraded from version 18.19 to version 20.14.

What's Fixed


  • Previously, PATCH ​/dashboards​/{id} Update a dashboard did not update/reflect shares for groups. Therefore, the updated dashboards which should have been shared were not displayed in the other users’ lists. This has now been fixed, and the updated dashboards are shared as expected.


  • Bar chart - Previously, when zooming on a Bar chart, the value labels sometimes appeared incorrectly, with an additional incorrect value being displayed. This has now been fixed, and the values correctly just display the same number as in the columns.

  • Column chart - Previously, columns sometimes stacked inconsistently and only appeared correctly after a page refresh or in Edit mode. This has now been fixed and works as expected.

  • Bar chart and Column chart - Previously, when the “Relative values” checkbox was cleared, the values were still displayed. This has now been fixed, and when the checkbox is clear the values are no longer displayed.

W2024.3 - Hotfix 2

08 July, 2024 - Official Release

What's Fixed


  • Java connectors have been added back into the system and can now be used for your ElastiCube builds.

W2024.3 - Hotfix 1

05 June, 2024 - Official Release

What's Fixed


  • Until now, some Sisense add-ons were not being built in version W2024.3. This has now been fixed, and the add-ons are being built as expected.



08 April, 2024 - Official Release

What's Fixed


  • To prevent a JavaScript vulnerability, the version of Underscore.js has been upgraded. For more information regarding this vulnerability, see CVE-2021-23358.

  • To prevent the Node.JS CVE-2023-39332 JavaScript vulnerability, the Node version has been upgraded. For more information regarding this vulnerability, see CVE-2023-39332.

  • To prevent a JavaScript vulnerability, the version of Moment.js has been upgraded. For more information regarding this vulnerability, see Moment Issue 6012.

Pie Charts

  • Selecting and deselecting a legend in a pie chart no longer causes an error in the console.


22 January, 2024 - Official Release

What's Improved


  • Several general security improvements

W2023.9 Patch

11 January, 2024 - Official Release

What's Fixed

RabbitMQ - Bulid Logs

  • When securing RabbitMQ broker communication and restricting TLS to v1.2, build logs are now displayed, as expected.


03 October, 2023 - Official Release

What's Fixed


  • Stack 100 column charts now display the percentage value labels.

  • When enabling X-axis titles for multiple categories for a column chart, each check box now corresponds to the correct category label.

  • Markers are now displayed on line charts even when there is no X-axis parameter.

  • Legend markers are now the same shape for line charts and column charts.


  • The folder hierarchy does not change when renaming a sub-folder (renaming no longer extracts the folder from its location in the folder hierarchy).


  • Renaming formula members now works as expected.


  • When a pivot limit is set, the number of rows loaded will correctly be limited by that number.


  • Exporting widgets to PDF now displays the columns in the same order as they are displayed in the dashboard.


27 April, 2023 - Official Release

What's Improved

Operating System Requirements

Beginning with this Sisense version (W2023.3), the ElastiCube Server and ElastiCube Manager can now be installed on server versions up to Windows Server 2022.

Updated Libraries

  • The Highcharts charting library was upgraded to version 10.3.3.

What's Fixed


  • All Java connectors are now available and displayed in the connector list after upgrading Sisense to W2023.3.


  • The Hours option has been removed from the Time Frame filtering dialog to ensure the filter returns the correct results. The Years, Quarters, Months, Weeks and Days options are still available. Any filter that uses the Hours option should be removed or adjusted to conform to this change.


  • Calendar Heatmap - After applying a new filter on another widget, the selected date representation in the calendar heatmap widget does not reset.

  • Column Charts -

    • The Stack 100 Column Chart widget now displays the percentage value labels.

    • When creating a Column Chart and enabling the X-Axis titles for two categories, selecting the first title check box now displays the title for the first category, and selecting the second title check box now displays the title for the second category.

  • Line Charts - When enabled, markers now appear on Line Charts even when there is no X-Axis parameter.

  • Line Charts and Column Charts - The legend markers for Line Charts and Column Charts are now the same shape.

What's Deprecated

Sisense Monitor

The Sisense Monitoring via has been deprecated. If you require monitoring information, contact your CSM.


30 September, 2022 - Official Release

What's Improved


  • The SSO SAML configuration for Windows authentication was enhanced. Newly added sso.saml.NameIdPolicy and sso.saml.PassAuthnContext fields will work only after restarting services.

What's Fixed


  • SSO SAML authentication process - Users are no longer sent an unnecessary invitation email when they are created during the first login.

DevX - Sisense JS

  • When sisense.v1.js is executed in a separate scope, it no longer affects the parent application styles (only sisenseApp scope elements are affected).


30 March, 2022 - Official Release

Breaking Changes - Warning!

  • The Google Adwords native connector is no longer supported because it uses Google APIs that Google deprecated. New installations will no longer contain the Google Adwords native connector. Customers with older versions of Sisense, or who upgrade to 2022.3 or higher, can use this workaround: Using Google Ads connector for EC models with CDATA Driver.

What's Improved


  • The Sisense High Availability Multi-Node Deployment Wizard was upgraded.

What's Fixed

Embedding API

  • Embed SDK without initial dashboard loaded with an error. Now loads on the home page with UI settings, if such are defined.


Downgrading from version 2022.3 to version 2021.9 fails during the ‘Testing Web Components’ step of the procedure.
Use the following steps to perform a downgrade from 2022.3:

  1. Uninstall 2022.3 (Remove Data unchecked).
  2. Install the preferred version (no need to run test verification upon completion of installation).
  3. Run the following command:
    C:\Program Files\Sisense\app\NodeJS\v12.7.0\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\Sisense\app\configuration-service\node_modules\@sisense\sisense-configuration\bin\sisense-conf" setbase rabbitmq.connectionString amqp:// -p
  4. Restart the VM.
  5. Browse to the application in the usual way.

Known Issues

  • Set the Sisense application timezone to “UTC +” or dates are not presented as expected.
  • Sisense version W2022.3 is not supported with Windows HA. It will be supported in a future version.


  • Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported from January 2022 and onwards.


29 October, 2021 - Official Release

What's Fixed

Embedding Sisense

  • When Sisense is used through the embed SDK, cascading filters are supported for subscribed dashboard events.


Dashboards and Widgets

  • Min/Max values on Scatter Chart Widget are not customizableWhen attempting to set min and max custom values for the respective axis, the system ignores the Interval value set and continuously changes the X-Axis + Y-Axis min and max values entered into the system.

Deployment and Upgrading

  • Failed upgrade from W2021.6 to W2021.9 upon Create RabbitMQ cluster step:
    When upgrading HA from Sisense W2021.6 to Sisense W2021.9, the upgrade fails when the ‘Create RabbitMQ cluster’ step launches.
  1. Following a failed installation on Create RabbitMQ cluster, open each failed HA node and modify the following files:
    • "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.erlang.cookie"
    • "C:\Users<installation_user>.erlang.cookie"Make sure each file contains ONLY ONE line of hash.
  2. Delete all empty lines.
  3. Save the file.
  4. In the Installation Process wizard, click Try Again. A successful upgrade without issues results.


  • Column chart/Area Chart shows ‘No Result’ message when the first value has zeros only
  • When the first value in a Column chart has zeros only, a "No result" message displays, even though the widget has a no-zeros result in the second value (column)


July 8, 2021 - Official Release

What's Improved


  • The Sisense High Availability Multi-Node Deployment Wizard was upgraded.

Sisense Mobile Application

  • This Sisense Windows release includes a update to the SSO for continued support for future Sisense Mobile application releases.


  • Several 3rd party libraries were upgraded to remove known vulnerabilities.
  • Rest APIs authorization hardening.

What’s Fixed

  • Users with in excess of 200 groups caused JAQL requests in dashboards to fail.
  • The font family could not be changed with a script.
  • The branded colors in a dashboard were not maintained when drilling down to a widget.


  • Do not include special characters (such as "|") in a dashboard name if you are using the v1//dashboards/{id}/export/pdf endpoint.
  • Shipper and Collector services degrades API performance
    Sisense recomends to stop these services on the web app nodes, but leave them running on the build and query nodes.


This is not a bug fix or an improvement; it’s a workaround to an existing problem.


Set the Sisense application timezone to “UTC +” or dates are not presented as expected.


April 15, 2021 - Official Release

What’s Fixed

  • After transferring ownership of a dashboard to another user, the Total Viewers column was incorrect.
  • The REST API allowed you to create a parentId property for a folder with an empty value, which caused dashboards and folders to not load.
  • When there were a large number of dashboards, the Analytics page took a long time to load.
  • After opening a data model and leaving it open for a long time, attempting to build the model caused the process to hang.
  • Adding tables to an in bulk uploads of a large number of tables at a time using the REST API sometimes caused the browser to crash.


February 11, 2021 - Official Release

Important to Know

  • Sisense versions will now be in the format Platform-Year-Month-Version (W2021.1.0)

What's New

Data Wizard Improvements

  • Hover over tables in the Data Wizard to display an icon that opens a preview of your table and its settings
  • Quickly select all schema tables with a select-all checkbox
  • After parsing tables, before they are imported, you can update the connection settings for tables that could not be validated (Read More)

Add-On New Features and Improvements

  • When using the Accordion add-on, you can configure it to pass all dashboard filters to the destination dashboard (Read More)

What’s Fixed

  • The Dashboard Administration list did not load as expected in some cases due to memory issues
  • Null members were added to widgets when switching ElastiCubes
  • The Jump-to-Dashboard add-on created duplicate records resulting in performance issues
  • The Jump-to-Dashboard add-on did not pass all date filtersThe Jump-to-Dashboard add-on could not open the target dashboard in some cases
  • Offline ElastiCube Sets were displayed when creating dashboards
  • Saved formulas with filters were not applied to Jump-to-Dashboards and Accordion widgets
  • In some scenarios, sharing more than one dashboard with "Everyone" caused timeout errors
  • The Export dashboard button was displayed even if the role was modified to prevent this feature
  • ElastiCubes with invalid relations could not be loaded in some scenarios
  • An empty page was displayed when a Data Designer navigated to the Admin page behind proxy
  • Republishing dashboards with admin Access created duplicate widgets
  • When the Reporting SDK API returned 500, an error report was sent
  • Data security was no longer accessible for Live models after deleting a group that had a security role in the model
  • When using the Embed SDK, promises were rejected following an error
  • When using the Embed SDK, UI settings were rejected following an error
  • In some scenarios, values on the Y-axis changed after filtering values
  • When using the "To" date filter on Live models, the error "Live connection not found" was returned
  • Selecting a value in a Scatter chart did not filter the data
  • When using Google BigQuery were created in the same dataset as the data tables with an expiration of NEVER
  • The JAQLine add-on displayed a blank page when using a reverse proxy
  • You could not open a dashboard a second time when using Dynamic ElastiCubes without ?cid=cubename parameterFilters were removed after drilling down with Dynamic ElastiCubes multiple times

8.2.5 - Service Pack - 02 December 2020

  • In the Sisense mobile app with SSO enabled, when opening the application after swiping it closed, the application displayed the server screen instead of opening the dashboard.
  • Incorrect results were displayed when the rows of a pivot table used one granularity (say, months) and the filters used a different granularity (say, quarters)
  • When a category contained zero values, pie charts didn’t render properly
  • Drilling down on a graph with calendar values caused the incorrect year value to appear in the graph’s breadcrumb trail
  • When showing two axes on a chart graph, the maximum value of the second axis was incorrectly calculated
  • Filters were not always updated if the dashboard.applyFilters() method was applied - Service Pack - 29, October, 2020

  • Support added for Centrale Sans font when customizing the UI - Official release of Sisense V8.2.5 - 11 October, 2020

New Features and Enhancements
Sisense Forecasting

  • When viewing forecasts in Sisense, you can now quickly and easily change the forecast period and the forecast settings directly from the graph. The new forecast options are applied instantly so that you get immediate results. (Forecasting Future Results)
  • You can now set your forecasts to ignore the specific time periods in your historical data. This is useful if those periods do not represent your regular data behavior (for example, Holidays and COVID-19 time). (Forecasting Future Results)

Connect to MongoDB via a JDBC Connection

  • Sisense now enables you to connect to a MongoDB data source via a standard JDBC connection. You can then import data into an ElastiCube with maximum configuration flexibility. (Connecting to MongoDB)

Connect via Generic ODBC

  • Customers performing manual migration from the desktop ElastiCube Manager to the online version of Sisense can now connect their data sources to Sisense via a generic ODBC driver.
  • From this version, you can choose to show or hide the Generic ODBC connector. It is hidden by default.

Support for Microsoft Edge Browser


  • In preparation for the forthcoming upgrade of the Sisense Mobile App to version 2.7, the default Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on the Sisense server has been updated. Version 2.7 of the Sisense Mobile application will meet the latest Apple requirements and industry security standards. This significant change in infrastructure also allows for superior performance.


If you decide to remain with a version of Sisense earlier than 8.2.5, some manual configurations are required to update CORS, which must be done in advance of version 2.* (Viewing Dashboards on Mobile Devices)

  • General security improvements and enhancements.

Synchronized Dashboard PDF Layouts

  • If you save the PDF layout in either the email report settings or manual download settings, the other layout will be updated. This means that you can setup your desired layout once instead of separately for each delivery method.

Set a Default Time Zone (Salesforce Connector)

Updated Libraries

  • The Angular library was updated to version 1.7.9

Selected Bug Fixes

  • In Sisense Mobile, some dashboards did not open when using the Jump to Dashboard add-on

  • When configuring SSO and Session Management, the default user login did not work as expected

  • If the connection to the web socket was lost, a warning message did not appear

  • Builds failed when building an ElastiCube from MSSQL when using Windows authentication

  • Forecast and Trendline features did not render properly for the widget when SisenseJS was used

  • ODBC connectors that are incompatible with Snowflake and Redshift still appeared in Sisense

  • If SSO was enabled in the system, an Administrator was unable to change dashboards to Owner view

  • In some versions of Sisense, you could not use the left-hand navigation pane to open a dashboard in a new tab

  • When MySQL Java Virtual Machine (JVM) was enabled in Sisense for the web and then you ran a build using the Desktop version of Sisense with a MySQL table, the build was run with the web configurations, instead of the Sisense Desktop configurations

  • The Google Sheets connector took a long time to load the list of sheets

  • When saving a PDF layout, the Shared Users' PDF Layout and Settings was not updated

  • The JAQLine add-on did not show the relationship icons

  • In certain scenarios, the Sort behavior on columns using the RSUM() formula was incorrect

  • If End User Scheduling was turned on, reports were triggered (but failed) when the system level “Send Emails” was disabled

  • In some cases, SisenseJS did not display ScatterMap and TreeMap widgets

  • When the Fiscal Year Start date was set to 1 February, and there is a filter for the "This Quarter (FY)", the error "Year Month and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime" appeared

  • When Sisense Narratives is enabled:
    In some cases, when Narrative was set to ON, the resulting narrative text was based on an incorrect row
    If a widget had two values, the Narrative text would sometimes not appear
    In some cases, a console error appeared when attempting to show the Narrative text
    When adding a value to Break-by, an error would display instead of the Narrative text

  • The Safari browser did not support creating or editing custom queries

  • In very specific cases, when changing the data source provider for a table from MongoDB to an Excel table, the preview was empty

  • When a value is NULL, the Grand Total value of a cumulative ratio showed 200%, instead of 100%

  • In some very specific cases, Accumulative Builds failed

  • When SSO was enabled, if the session became inactive, sometimes the Home page opened instead of the last opened dashboard

  • Sometimes after installing and occasionally after upgrading , the node_modules and src folders did not appear in the ECMLogsPersistence directory, leading to unexpected behavior when building or viewing build logs

8.2.4 - Official release of Sisense V8.2.4 - July 27, 2020
### New Features and Enhancements
New Connectors Utility

  • Sisense provides a new tool to easily configure background processes to only run JVM connectors that are currently being used. This significantly improves memory consumption and performance. (Documentation)

Improvements to the Trend Line

  • You can now modify trend lines directly by right-clicking the trend line itself. You can quickly change the trend line type and add a trend line of a previous period to help you compare past and current trends.
  • You can now add trend lines to forecasted values
  • New advanced algorithms are used to detect anomalies on the trend line so that you can set to ignore them. (Analyzing Trends in Your Data)

Improvements to Forecasting

  • Forecast Boundaries are added to enable you to prevent Forecasts from displaying unreasonable values. For example, if your measure can't be negative, a fraction, or over 100%
  • Missing values are now represented as “0” for continuous line charts (Forecasting Future Results)

Selected Bug Fixes

  • When using a string text filter (such as “items starting with” or “doesn’t contain”), null values should be excluded from results, but were not
  • Previewing and building an from Redshift ODBC when the “specialcharacters” table is selected caused an error
  • In some configurations, WebSockets listened on proxy URLs instead of on local addresses
  • When using the JAQLine add-on, if you created an external application that uses React 16+, and you loaded sisense.v1.js, React was shown as version 15+
  • In Chrome in tablet mode, Sisense did not display the filter selection panel
  • Endpoints that are logged out did not always show that they were logged out
  • Jump to Dashboard add-on could not open the destination dashboard in the same window if Sisense was embedded in the iFrame
  • Additional PostgreSQL parameters could not be applied and caused an errorWhen the result of a Pie chart was actually NULL, Sisense returned “no result”, instead
  • Widgets displayed an error if multiple conditions were met and the same formula was used more than once

8.2.3 - Official release of Sisense V8.2.3 - July 6, 2020

New Features and Enhancements

New UI Customization Features
This version introduces two new Admin pages: “White Labeling” and “Look and Feel” to easily customize your Sisense experience.

  • Look and Feel: You can customize how your Sisense environment looks by setting fonts, colors for dashboards, widgets, backgrounds, and more. You can achieve stunning results using an intuitive user interface and preview your changes before applying them. (Customizing the Sisense User Interface)
  • White Labeling: Depending on your license, you can now control your white labeling experience by adding your own logos and displaying custom favicons to Sisense. You can also customize the marketing banner displayed at the top of the Data and Analytics pages. These options were previously only available using the REST API, but are now easily available to all Administrators. (White Labeling Sisense in Windows)

Security Enhancements

  • You can now configure Sisense to only allow uploads of CSV and Excel files from specific paths.

  • General security improvements

  • Improvement to Chart Widgets with Break-by Fields

  • In chart widgets, you can sort the results (for example, to appear in ascending or descending order), even though a break-by field is applied. If you apply a break-by field after sorting, the sort order is maintained.

Configuration Enhancements

  • You can now configure the thrift timeout limit for the Galaxy service, which controls the web server logic. The default value is three minutes, but you can now change that using the Configuration Manager.

High Availability
The Multi-Node Deployment Wizard was updated (Installing the Multi-Node Deployment Wizard)

Selected Bug Fixes

  • When building a sample ElastiCube, a permissions error to the source file caused the build to fail
  • Attempting to perform a build when the data page has been open for a long time sometimes caused the build progress to freeze
  • On some occasions, setting the default inactivity timeout had no effect
  • For users viewing a shared copy of a widget (of which they are not an owner), when they drill down into that widget and then generate a PDF, the drilled-down results did not appear correctly on the PDF
  • Due to the particular shade of grey used, action buttons seemed to be disabled even though they were not
  • When running an API POST request for “datasecurity”, an error was returned
  • Columns containing MySQL UTF8MB4 data type were not imported into the ElastiCube
  • If a KPI was created using the “between” operator, the current value is shown on the Pulse page but is not properly highlighted
  • Data designers could not add accessible values in the data security section of an ElastiCube
  • Data designers could not open data security and manage hierarchies pages

8.2.2 - Official release of Sisense V8.2.2 - June 3, 2020

New Features and Enhancements

Improved SSO User Management

  • Administrators can now control whether SSO authentication can create new users, or only authenticate existing users. This gives the Administrator more control over Sisense license allocation. (Introduction to SSO)

Language Support

  • This version adds support for the Korean and Turkish languages

Sisense Patents

  • The Sisense’s patents link is now available in the Admin page, under General Settings, instead of the User Profile menu

Selected Bug Fixes


  • Dynamic Elasticubes addon did not work in IE11


  • When Administrators and System Administrators were not included in an ElastiCube's shared list, they could access the ElastiCube's data, but did not receive Pulse alerts

User Interface

  • In some scenarios, you could not refresh a schema built of Google BigQuery
  • In some cases, when in the Analytics page, while in List view, you could not switch between “Created by Me” and “Shared with Me”


  • When dragging and dropping a widget to another dashboard, an additional temporary copy of the widget was created
  • Filtering didn’t work when using text “equals” with a value that included an apostrophe
  • In some scenarios, when sorting a Column Chart with a Continuous Timeline, items on the X-Axis were not sorted properlyIn some cases, when opening a widget’s menu, it loaded slowly


  • After upgrading to Sisense V8.2, the incorrect email headers were applied to email reports
  • Sending scheduled report emails and sending manual reports with the Sisense message broker might have caused the service to hang
  • When a shared user changed the dashboard PDF settings, it affected only the dashboard PDF and not reporting PDF

8.2.1 - Official release of Sisense V8.2.1 - May 5, 2020

New Features and Enhancements

Introducing Trend Lines

  • Get deeper insights faster and automatically by adding trend lines based on advanced analytic models on supported widgets (Analyzing Trends in Your Data)

Improved User Experience

  • Configure custom email servers directly from Sisense through a new intuitive UI (Custom Email Servers)
  • Define the positions of tables in your schema on the model-level, not the user level. Any changes to the model and the positions of the tables are reflected to all users who look at the model in the Data page
  • Perform bulk changes to columns including showing, hiding, dropping and restoring from the navigation pane (Managing Tables and Columns)
  • Manage system settings easier from the Admin page where the System Settings were reorganized into three new sections, General Settings, Security Settings, and Feature Management
  • Migrate your desktop Salesforce connector to the online Salesforce connector with support for custom objects (Connecting to Salesforce)

SSO Enhancements

  • SSO users who do not have a Sisense password defined for them will not be able to use the Forgot Password functionality to define a Sisense local password
  • When accessing Sisense directly from the Login page, a new option allows users to choose to log in using their SSO provider, instead of using the Sisense local authentication

Selected Bug Fixes

  • Changing connectivity settings affected your table’s query
  • In some cases, a blank page was displayed when attempting to preview a table
  • Some titles of Indicator widgets were cropped
  • Exporting Pivot tables to PDF failed when there was % in the title of the widget
  • Links in Text widgets opened in new tabs, not new windows as expected
  • Shared dashboards were sometimes invisible to some users
  • Security issues were resolved
  • Some reports were stuck due to an unexpected error in the reporting service

8.2 - Official release of Sisense V8.2 - April 6, 2020
Announcing Breaking Changes

  • Recently, Google has announced that Google Sheets API V3 and Google Drive API V2 are documented for legacy purposes only. These APIs will be shut down on September 30, 2020 and will eventually deprecated (extended from March 3, 2020 - due to COVID-19).
    These API versions are used by Sisense on the Google Sheets connector in versions earlier than Windows 8.2.0. SisenseWindows V8.2.0 were upgraded to use Google Sheets API V4 and Google Drive API V3.
    The effect of Google's API changes is that users now have access to their shared drive, but need to re-authenticate after upgrading their Sisense version to use the connector.


The loading time of the list of available documents is expected to take longer than usual because an additional scan of the shared documents is run.

  • Google sheets with column headers that contain text and special characters in the column's headers are now supported. After upgrading, if you refresh the schema, your dashboard will not work as expected and you will need to update it with the newly supported column names. If you do not refresh the schema, Google Sheets will continue to work as before

New Features and Enhancements

  • Perform bulk operations on tables including dropping and restoring multiple columns (Managing Tables and Columns)
  • Significant improvements were made to Sisense builds reducing build failures
  • More support for table queries when changing connections was added
  • Sisense was upgraded to use Bootstrap version V3.4.1
  • Node positions in the Data page are saved on the model level and are now common for all users


  • Empty spaces are displayed on Stacked Area Chart Splines with null values
  • Sorting mixed data types in Pivot tables where the data is split into groups does not work as expected

Selected Bug Fixes


  • Dashboards moved out of a folder are deleted when deleting the folder
  • Create and Cancel buttons were not displayed as expected when creating widgets on small screen resolutions
  • Clear Selection did not react for date columns when the dashboard already had a Calendar/Time-frame filter
  • Abbreviations for Weekdays in Russian in Calendar filter were incorrect
  • Refresh button was displayed if 'Update on Every Change' was disabled on a dashboard with dependent filters
  • Pie Charts displayed negative numbers as positive in the 'Other' category
  • Selection in a chart does not work if category contains only blank symbols


  • Live models connected to Google BigQuery did not work as expected when ‘ was used in a text filter
  • When changing connections for Live models on the schema level to an existing schema, all the tables were selected and could not be changed
  • In some scenarios, when Sisense stopped importing data after a blank row in Google Sheets Users could change data sources even after setting the replace_datasource key to false

Google Sheets

  • When using Google Sheets on the ElastiCube Manager, errors were returned when the tables contained special characters "/" or ":"
  • In some scenarios, decimal sign appeared in all numbers
  • Google Sheets stopped importing data after encountering a blank row
  • You could not authenticate from the Add Data Wizard when using Internet Explorer
  • If the column type was data, all values were converted to data, including integersIn some scenarios, ElastiCubes that were built in the ElastiCube Manager could not be built from the Data page of Sisense
  • In some scenarios, some Google Sheets could not be imported
  • Settings that are supported in the Data page of Sisense, were not supported in the ElastiCube Manager

Embedding Sisense

  • You could not edit widget titles while in embedded mode
  • CORS did not work as expected when Sisense was embedded in several applications with SisenseJS
  • SisenseJS does not work as expected if SSO SAML is enabled


  • System Administrators could not changes their roles
  • Certain collections in the application database inflated over time preventing the Sisense repository process from loading
  • Some tables were not displayed as expected when exporting a Pivot table report to PDF In Safari, in certain cases a timezone offset would be added to dates when previewing a table
  • Clicking on +Data in the sometimes opened a blank screen
  • The Activation screen was displayed when sending invitations in SSO enabled systems allowing users to create accounts outside of SSO
  • YTD/QTD/MTDSUM returned null values when filtering on a time period and the most recent day has no data
  • In some scenarios, sorting by date broke groupings in Pivot tables

8.1.3 - Service Pack- March 24, 2020

  • Security issues were resolved - Official release of Sisense V8.1.3 - March 12, 2020

New Features and Enhancements

  • The option to display null values as zeros has been added to the Values panel when creating or editing a widget (Replacing Missing Values with Zeros)
  • Security was improved by removing support for weak cipher suites

Selected Bug Fixes

  • In some cases, add-ons were not loaded after restarting the Sisense.
  • Plugins service events were not recorded as expected in Sisense logs when the Info option was selected
  • Pivot widget Grand Totals did not work as expected when combined with the RANK function
  • In some scenarios, widget filters were not updated after the data source was changed
  • No Results was displayed in Indicator widgets when the result was NULL
  • In some scenarios, if a dashboard owner shared a dashboard with all the filters selected, when the recipient selected several filters, only the first value was selected
  • Suggestions were not created after using the POST /suggestions/refresh endpoint
  • Custom imports with unions did not work as expected when using the Generic JDBC connector
  • In some scenarios, updated dashboard scripts were not implemented after republishing the dashboard
  • Installing Sisense through the command line did not work as expected when the password contained the “=” symbol
  • Occasionally, the Login form was not displayed on the Login page after logging out from Sisense
  • In some scenarios, the dashboard navigation tree refreshed after every click
  • The Filters window for functions was not displayed as expected when the last filter was selected
  • Some text fields were not imported as expected when connecting to MySQL data sources JDBC DB2 connection failed during the build, but not in the Preview area

8.1.2 - Service Pack- March 11, 2020

  • In some scenarios, dashboards could not be imported after sharing them with users - Service Pack- February 26, 2020

  • Support for breaking changes for the latest Chrome updates with iFrames. - Official release of Sisense V8.1.2 - February 20, 2020
### Announcing Breaking Changes

When data security rules are applied, Sisense only considers rules explicitly defined for a user. For example, if a user belongs to two groups, one with data security and one without, the user will only see data according to the data security defined for the first group. The default rule for “everybody else” only applies to users who have no data security rules defined on them at all.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Dashboard users, including Designers and Viewers, can now choose a monthly schedule for receiving email reports (Sending Dashboards as Email Reports)
  • A link to Sisense's patents has been added to the User Profile

Selected Bug Fixes

  • Some connections to Salesforce failed with the error "Cannot establish connection with provided parameters"
  • In some scenarios, builds failed when connecting to MySQL through the Generic JDBC connector
  • Builds failed for MySQL if the tables contained certain special characters
  • The dashboard build time did not always match the build time displayed in the Data page
  • In some scenarios, dashboards were not displayed as expected with SisenseJS in Internet Explorer
  • When applying filters with the character ' included in the value for Google BigQuery live models, the error "This dashboard requires Live connection to run. It wasn't found." was displayed
  • The Test Connectivity button was displayed in the Sisense Server Console though the functionality was removed
  • The correct sentiment was not always displayed in Sisense Narratives
  • Some new users were not defined as active users after logging in through SSO (JWT)Sisense did not load as expected when using a proxy URL that contained relative paths
  • The default role of groups created from Active Directory via the API was changed when syncing Active Directory in Sisense
  • In some scenarios, PDF reports did not match the report displayed in the PreviewSome dashboards could not be exported to PDF when the Jump to Dashboard add-on was used
  • In some scenarios refreshing the connectivity for custom imports over Redshift returned an error


The Dependencies option does not list dashboards that are used in Elasticube Sets

8.1.1 - Service Pack - February 4, 2020

  • Support for breaking changes for the latest Chrome updates with iFrames. For more information, see this Community Post - Official release of Sisense V8.1.1 - January 21, 2020

New Features and Enhancements

  • Integrate Sisense with OpenID Connect to allow your users to authenticate once and access your dashboards
  • Sisense highlights the Share icon on your dashboard so you can see when changes you made to a dashboard aren’t visible to users you shared the dashboard with
  • The SisenseJS library has been optimized with the following improvements: Isolated scope: SisenseJS will not override any globals on the window and can work alongside other versions of the aforementioned librariesIsolated CSS classes: SisenseJS will not override or collide with any of your CSS classes or rules (Documentation)
  • The Sisense Embed SDK has been improved so you can edit Sisense dashboards and widgets embedded in your websites or applications (Documentation)
  • Sisense has been upgraded to Angular 1.7.8
  • Sisense PDF reports now support A0, A1, and A2 page sizes
  • Restoring filters on your dashboard does not reset filters in your PDF report settings
  • Loading animations were removed for widgets based on Live data sources that were being refreshed
  • Designers can now view hierarchies on dashboards that have been shared with them
  • Creating relationships between tables in Live models is enabled by default
  • Python libraries used by the Sisense High Availability Multi-Node Deployment Wizard have been upgraded to Python V3.7.0
  • Added security headers for controlling the application caching: "Cache-Control: no-store" and "Cache-Control: must-revalidate"
  • The Sisense application database (MongoDB) was upgraded to V3.6.8

Selected Bug Fixes

  • Table menus disappeared in the Data page after using Ctrl+Tab to switch tabs
  • In some scenarios, users that belonged to groups with a default language set did not receive emails when a dashboard was shared with them
  • The AVG function did not behave as expected when connected to MS SQL Server live
  • Adding a table query with duplicate column names could cause the Data page not to load
  • The Apple store banner suggesting to install Sisense was occasionally displayed in Sisense Mobile when the app was rebranded
  • In some cases, when sharing a dashboard with a user, the user received the email in English even if another language was selected
  • The wrong tool tips were displayed when hovering over Area Charts in stacked mode
  • Days since Last Active in the Admin page were not sorted as expected
  • When you have a dependent filter, additional levels affect the widget when the dashboard filter is disabled


  • The JDBC connector does not support files with special characters
  • Custom column names that are wrapped in square brackets "[]" may break a query
  • Multiple Past Value calculations in a single widget based on Google BigQuery Live can fail due to insufficient memory resources

8.1 - Official release of Sisense V8.1 - Dec. 31, 2019

Announcing Breaking Changes

  • Sisense now displays Nulls by default in all widgets in all dashboards unless filtered out (Handling Null Values)
  • This version includes changes to the web interface header components that affect add-ons (plugins). If you implemented custom add-ons that affect the web application header UI, Sisense recommends that you review your plugin’s code and make any required updates (Documentation)
  • Designers cannot make any changes to Sisense dashboards and widgets that are embedded in your websites or applications in View mode. To make changes to dashboards and widgets, the host environment must be set to Edit mode
  • In report subscriptions, the user-level settings now overrides the group-level settings. This means that in cases when the user is subscribed to the report both as an individual user and as part of a user group, if the user unsubscribes from the report, the system will stop sending the user email reports (ignoring the fact that the user is still subscribed as part of the group)
  • When security rules are applied to data, if both exclusion rules and inclusion rules are applied to the same data, the exclusion rules will always override the inclusion rules, thus making the data access security rules more restrictive, and ensuring your data is secure
  • Text filters applied to date fields that were converted to text format will no longer work

Introducing Forecasting

  • Sisense enables your users to apply advanced ML-powered forecasting techniques to easily forecast future values based on historical data (Forecasting Future Results)
  • The AI engine driving the forecast uses an ensemble of various forecasting models to create the most effective forecast
  • To enable this feature please contact your Customer Success Manager

Embed SDK
Developers now can use a suite of new JavaScript APIs to programmatically embed Sisense dashboards into host apps and effortlessly handle complex embedded integrations (Documentation)

Embedded Dashboards and Widgets

  • Embed your Sisense dashboard or widget quickly with code snippets prepared in the new Embed Code Generator with no coding required


  • New native connectors were added enabling connections to:
    Athena (Connecting to AWS S3 Data with Athena)
    Sisense ElastiCubes (Connecting to Sisense ElastiCubes)

  • The library of certified data connectors was substantially expanded with new data connectors, including Jira, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Shopify, Teradata, MariaDB, and more (Introduction to Data Sources)

  • You can now connect to Google Big Query with a service account and can use the Google Big Query Storage API to handle large result sets much faster (up to X10 faster) and more efficiently (Connecting to Google BigQuery)

  • You can now add additional parameters to the connection string in the guided (basic) connection configuration for Salesforce, Google BigQuery, MemSQL, Oracle, Snowflake

Improved Pie Charts

  • The Pie Chart widget now supports sorting in two directions: Clockwise and Counter- Clockwise
  • Dashboard Designers can now control which value members are included in the "Others" slice by changing the default from 3% (Pie Chart)

Security Enhancements

  • Row-based data security:
    You can define the scope limitations for row-based data security rules to determine when the data security rules should be applied (Data Security)
    Exclusionary row-based data security rules can now be created from the user interface in addition to inclusionary data security rules. This functionality was previously available only over API

  • Users created by SSO over SAML can now be associated with all roles of the system, except Administrator and Data Administrator

Performance Enhancements

  • Performance improvements for queries on Live models
    Significant improvements to Oracle and Snowflake connectors performance


  • Change your Sisense password from within the User Profile area (Documentation)
  • The background color and text spacing in the Formula Editor were changed to make elements more readable
  • Unsubscribe from your dashboard reports (Documentation)
  • Sort your dashboards when displayed in the List view on the Analytics page (Documentation)
  • Duplicate multiple dashboards with a single click (Documentation)
  • Change data sources of individual widgets (Documentation)
  • Sisense Administrators can control whether to update dashboards on every filter change (Documentation)
  • Support for equal distribution of widgets across a row in a dashboard added (Documentation)
  • The Plugins section within the Admin page was renamed Add-Ons. The functionality remains the same
  • Columns that use the ] delimiter are now handled as expected
  • JQuery library was updated V3.4.1

Selected Bug Fixes

  • In some scenarios, dates were converted to text fields for CSV files
  • The ‘LastLogin’ field was not updated for SSO users in the application database
  • The Oracle JDBC connector did not handle timestamp data as expected
  • Google Analytics builds failed when using demo account data
  • For some Live table queries, the number of rows was not displayed in Preview
  • Data security did not auto-complete values for numeric fields
  • When using SAML for SSO, users with Sisense Groups only works for 'consumer' and 'contributor'
  • When changing a MySQL connection, the following error was displayed "Cannot instantiate provider".
  • Pulse build notification details were not displayed in mobile app notifications
  • The Excel connector adds additional columns into previews in Windows in some scenarios
  • Some builds failed when using Google Spreadsheets with the error: "Refresh token is expired or revoked. Please update access to Google Account"
  • In some scenarios, widget’s narrations were not displayed as expected
  • Multiple issues related to how Sisense handles and filters NULL values were resolved


  • Generic JDBC query to table with special symbols in columns names fails occasionally
  • Google Big Query ODBC: Unable to Build 50G table
  • You cannot connect to Hubspot through the Generic JDBC connector. You should use the native connector instead
