L2022.4 Release Notes

For a list of release dates and Sisense's end of support schedule, see Sisense Version Release and Support Schedule.

Privacy and Security Information

This release contains several security related updates. We highly recommend upgrading to this latest release to take advantage of any security-related updates and benefit from the Sisense support and warranty. In addition, Sisense strongly recommends regularly testing and auditing your environment after upgrading, and periodically during your subscription term, to ensure all privacy and security settings remain in place.

Customers are responsible for controlling and monitoring your environments and are therefore in the best position to ensure the correct security settings are in place for how you use Sisense products.

Due to the complexity of Sisense products, we strongly suggest that all customers ensure that you understand how all of the privacy and security settings within Sisense work.

If you use Sisense to store/process sensitive data, it is your responsibility to review and test your implementation to ensure you are not inadvertently sharing data with unauthorized third parties. For more information on data security rules, see Data Access Security.


  • Server side add-ons break following L2021.12 installation
  • Grafana Dashboards
    When performing a Sisense Provisioner or RKE installation, the installation supports Kubernetes 1.22. Therefore, the Prometheus stack was changed from prometheus-operator to kube-prometheus-stack. This means that any private customizations done on Grafana need to be manually migrated (see Upgrading Sisense). Out of the box, Grafana dashboards will be created on the new stack.
    The RKE upgrade from Kubernetes 1.21 to 1.22 is only supported for RKE or RKE Provisioner installations and occurs if update_k8s_version is set to true in the YAML configuration file. Customizations affected are Grafana dashboards, alerts, notifications, etc., revert to the default state.

Release Overview

Release L2022.4 provides a number of new features and significant improvements to Sisense for Linux.

What's New

This release includes the following new features:

New Sisense Filters

  • Sisense introduces new filters that provide additional filtering capabilities, as well as a more streamlined and flexible filtering experience.
  • The new filters feature is OFF by default. To try the new interface, an Admin must first enable it via the base configuration (under "FiltersModal"). Any active filter sets that you currently have in your dashboards remain active in the new filters interface. Note:: Before enabling, take note that any add-ons that rely on the current filters interface may stop working.

See Creating and Editing Filters.

OIDC SSO acr_values for Embed SDK/IFrame Support

  • Sisense introduces support for 'acr_values' for OpenID Connect (OIDC) SSO protocol.
  • This protocol is compatible with all types of embedding and can be passed via the 'ssoparams' embedding solution constructor parameter.
  • 'acr_values' are used to specify the Authentication Context Class Values within the Authentication Request.
  • The parameter should be provided in base64 encoding format.
  • For example: https://example.com/js/sisense.js?ssoparams={params in base64}

Web Access Token - Data Security Per Data Source


"grants": {
 "acl": [
   "dataSourceTitle": "Sample ECommerce",
   "table": "Commerce",
   "column": "Gender",
   "allMembers": null,
   "datatype": "text",
   "members": [
   "exclusionary": false
   "dataSourceTitle": "Sample Lead Generation",
   "table": "Lead Generation",
   "column": "Country",
   "allMembers": null,
   "datatype": "text",
   "members": [
    "United States"
   "exclusionary": true 

Web Access Token - Public Endpoint 'Create WAT'

  • Sisense introduces the capability of generating Web Access Tokens directly from within the application.
  • Ability to generate Web Access Tokens directly from Sisense can assist users lacking their own developed token generation tool, or simply for generating tokens outside of a programmatic flow.
  • Structure and logic validations are executed towards the token's header and payload, with descriptive human-readable error messages.
  • Previously-created secrets should be regenerated as strings (without break-lines) to pass API requirements.


What's Improved

Helm 3.8.1 Supported

  • Sisense now supports Helm version 3.8.1 The new Helm version can be used in addition to older versions.

Kubernetes 1.22 Supported

  • Kubernetes 1.22 is only supported for RKE or Provisioner installations. See Upgrading Sisense on Linux.

What's Fixed


  • Fixed UI displaying escaped special characters
  • Fixed editing BloX custom actions

Embedded Mode

  • Fixed displacement of filters panel on iPad.


  • This release contains several security related updates, including bug and vulnerability fixes. We highly recommend upgrading to this latest release to take advantage of any security-related updates and benefit from the Sisense support and warranty.

Web Access Token

  • The format of the generated secret (public key) was changed to string, without line breaks, in order to meet the Web Access Token - Public Endpoint 'Create WAT' API validation requirements. Previously generated secrets should be regenerated if you wish to use Sisense Implementation when creating new tokens.
  • The ability to utilize pivot widgets in the Web Access Token based Sisense.js environment has been fixed.


Watch this video for an overview of selected features from this release: