Creating and Editing Filters

This article explains how to create filters using the new user interface.


Legacy Filter Users:

To move to the default filters from the legacy filters, turn on the following filter options in Feature Management in the Filter section:

  • Date / Time Filters

  • Numeric Filters

  • Textual Filters

Once the default filters are enabled, existing custom add-ons (that rely on the legacy filter user interface) may stop working:

  • Verify that you do not have such add-ons before enabling.
  • Sisense certified add-ons (supported by Sisense) will not break.
  • If enabling the default filters causes add-ons to break, perform a rollback by disabling the feature.

Filtering options include:

Setting Date Filters

There are various options for setting a date filter for your dashboards. Click on each of the options below to learn how to set date filters.

Setting Text Filters

Text filters let you filter according to text matching. Text filters are case insensitive for all data sources by default.

There are various options for setting a text filter for your dashboards. Click on each of the options below to learn how to set text filters.

Setting Numeric Filters

Numeric filters let you limit your dashboards to specific value ranges. For example:

  • Keep only sales above 100$.
  • Keep only product IDs between 1000020 and 1000030.

There are various options for setting a numeric filter for your dashboards. Click on each of the options below to learn how to set numeric filters.

Customizing the filter query via a code (JSON) editor

You can view and edit the filter query via a code (JSON) editor if you need to create a specific advanced query.

To edit the filter query via a code (JSON) editor:

  1. Select Custom to access the JSON editor and view the code representation of the filter that is currently set (e.g. previously set in the UI).
  2. Edit the parameters via the JSON editor.
  3. Click Test to preview the results that would return based on your query, and make sure they are what you had in mind.

Your viewers cannot access the Custom option and modify the query via the editor. However, they can select any other filter from the regular filters that are offered.

Setting List Filters as Single-Select or Multi-Select

Some date and text filters allow for multi-select from lists of options. You can choose to set the selection method in these lists of values to Single-select to provide a more limited and controlled selection experience for your viewers. This means viewers see the lists as you have set them, with a single option only for selection. By default, list filters are set to multi-select.

Filters for which single/multi-selection apply include:

  • Filter by including specific time period/s
  • Filter by including specific text value/s
  • Filter by including specific numeric value/s

To toggle between single and multi-select:

  • Toggle the Allow multiselect for lists on and off.

Saving a Filter

You can save a filter as a favorite so that you can quickly add a new filter with the same field type, or update the filter with different parameters from the ones defined in the original filter.

To save a filter:

  • Click the Star button in the filter window, give the filter a name and click Save. The Star button is marked in black and the filter is added to the list in the drop-down.
  • Click the Star button in the filter window, give the filter a name and click Save. The Star button is marked in black and the filter is added to the list in the drop-down.

You can also rename and remove a saved filter.

To remove or rename a filter:

  1. Click the Star button and select the filter from the drop-down list.
  2. Once the filter parameters display in the Filter window, click the Star button to remove the filter.
  3. To rename the filter, select it, make a change to the parameters, and click the Star button to save again.


To filter lists or text quickly, you can use wildcards such as '_' or '%', which will be interpreted as literal characters or an empty string.

Sisense supports the following wildcards:

Single Characters

You can enter an underscore '_' as a placeholder for a single unknown character.

Multiple Characters

You can use a percent % symbol to search for an undefined length of string.

Escape Characters

If you are searching for a string with an underscore or percent symbol, add a backslash () in front of the special character. Backslashes are treated as an escape character by Sisense.

For example, to locate results for the string "_te", use a backslash before the string: \_te


Due to the fact that Azure Synapse does not support the ESCAPE function, handling of special characters cannot be done and will result in returning all values.