Dashboard AI Assistant (Beta)
This feature is currently in Beta. As such, not all functionality has been added and finalized and is subject to change as fixes and improvements are made.
Sisense includes an AI Assistant for your dashboards, as part of the product, usable via the UI. This feature enables you to explore your data and generate queries through natural language questions powered by AI. The AI Assistant can suggest sample insights, provide narrative explanations in context, and produce data visualizations. The functionality is like that of the AI Assistant (a.k.a. the “Chatbot”) introduced via Compose SDK.
Enabling the Dashboard AI Assistant
In order to use the Dashboard AI Assistant, it must be enabled by an Admin, in the Admin tab, under App Configuration > AI.
After an Admin has enabled the Dashboard AI Assistant globally, in order to use this feature for specific dashboards, it must be enabled for each dashboard by the Dashboard Designer. In the dashboard, open the three dots menu and toggle on the AI Assistant.
After it is enabled, the AI Assistant button appears in the dashboard menu.
Using the Dashboard AI Assistant
Click AI Assistant to use this feature.
In the AI Assistant, you can type your question in natural language, choose from suggested questions, or type “/” for ideas. After asking your question, an answer, along with an explanation and a chart, are provided.
The results pane provides some options:
Enable Dashboard filter to apply the dashboard filters to your results.
Click Download to download the results as an image or CSV file.
Click Add to Dashboard to add the generated chart as a widget to your dashboard.