Minimum Requirements for Sisense in Linux Environments

Below are descriptions and explanations describing the minimum requirements for Sisense in Linux environments.

Supported Browsers

The Sisense Web Application runs in the following HTML5 supported browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari version 7 and higher - Sisense supports Safari 10 and higher when embedding iFrames.


If you are using Internet Explorer 11, Sisense recommends moving to another browser. Microsoft ended IE11 support for various Microsoft products during 2021 and Sisense stopped supporting IE11 by the end of 2021. IE11 is not supported for the Sisense internal web-based file browser application.

In order to display Sisense properly, the browser dimensions must be a minimum resolution of 1280px*800px.

The Sisense Web Application also works in mobile phone and tablet browsers that support HTML5. See Viewing Dashboards on Mobile Devices to learn more about mobile compatibility.

Minimum System Requirements

The Sisense Linux deployment is certified to run on the operating systems listed in the table below.

Note the following:

  • IMPORTANT: An incompatibility issue has been identified which causes freezing in single-node environments due to high CPU usage reaching 100% (CPU Soft lock crash). Instances running on Ubuntu 20/22 with kernel versions >= 5.15 and < 6.7 were found to be affected. This issue can lead to system freezes and Sisense upgrade failures. To resolve this, upgrading the Linux kernel to version 6.7 on your on-prem instances is critical before upgrading Sisense. See this Sisense Community article for instructions on upgrading the kernel.
  • Sisense only supports x86-64/AMD64 architectures, (for example, ARM64 is not currently supported). You can verify your architecture by running the hostnamectl command in Linux.
  • The OS versions specified below are also based on the minor release number, which should be taken into consideration to ensure proper compatibility. (For example, CentOS 8.4 is not currently supported.)
  • The OS must be an official release of the given Linux OS, and one that has not been customized (for example, where the OS was modified to harden the kernel).

2024 Planned OS/Kubernetes Support

Active OSes

OS OS Version Sisense Minimal Version Comments
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS L8.0.2


20.04 LTS L2021.5


22.04 LTS L2022.11


23.04 L2023.11


Red Hat Enterprise Linux




7.0 L8.0.2


8.0, 8.4, 8.6 L2021.7


8.5, 8.7, 8.8 L2023.3


8.9, 9.0, 9.2, 9.3



8.10, 9.4



Rocky Linux 8.* L2023.6


9.* L2023.11


Amazon Linux 2.0 L8.0.2


2023 L2023.7

Does not support storage type FSX (Lustre). Support is planned by the end of Q1 2024.

Deprecated OSes

OS OS Version Sisense Minimal Version Comments
CentOS 8 Stream L2021.9


Red Hat OpenShift 4.8 L2021.3



The CentOS Project set December 31, 2021, as the CentOS 8 end-of-life date, and no operating system updates will be issued after that date. Sisense will align with the CentOS 8 EOL date.

For continued support, Sisense customers must migrate to a supported OS version, such as CentOS 8 Stream (supported by Sisense Linux v2021.9) or another supported OS version that is listed in the table.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Ensure that your system has at least the following hardware requirements:

  • 8 CPUs
  • The memory requirements are specified in the recommended deployment sizes table (below)

Recommended Deployment Sizes

The table below describes the minimum requirements for your production deployment. The storage specifications below apply to all supported storage types, unless otherwise indicated. The exact deployment parameters depend on your specific use-case and usage needs.

It is possible for a deployment with machines that have more memory and cores to exceed the large-scale recommendations.

Deployment Size

Small Scale

(<50M rows)

Medium Scale

(50M - 300M rows)

Large Scale

(300M - 1B rows)

Deployment type

Single node, cluster optional

Recommended: Cluster

Note: The parameters are for each node.

Recommended: Cluster

Note: The parameters are for each node.

Disk 1
Sisense requires SSDs
(Optional) The root volume disk size may need to be increased when using larger local backup temporary files during backups.


Root volume

Disk 2

Sisense requires SSDs
Required space for ElastiCube files + Plugins + Builds + Backup archives
Sisense recommends a second disk size of at least: The size of all ElastiCubes x 2

400GB second volume

400GB second volume

(shared storage for cluster)

400GB second volume

(shared storage for cluster)


The disk must have at least:

  • 100MB/s
  • 1600 IOPS

The build nodes disk must have at least:

  • 100MB/s
  • 1600 IOPS

System Memory


64GB - 128GB

256GB - 512GB

Total number of rows being built in parallel




Note: More than 1 billion rows is not recommended per ElastiCube, and may cause a failure.

For more than a billion records, consider using a live model or B2D.


If the OS defines sub disks for different directories, the following directories must have at least this amount of storage:

  • 300GB for /var/lib
  • 50GB for /var/log/sisense

If more specific sub disks are defined (for example: /var/lib/docker and/or /var/lib/kublet), make sure you allocate enough space for each of them, otherwise certain components of the platform will not work.

  • Your Linux deployment must use AVX2 (also known as Haswell New Instructions).
  • For cluster deployments that use a shared storage, the following requirements are for the cluster's first three nodes. Each of the first three nodes must have a second unformatted, unmounted, and unpartitioned hard disk with at least 400GB disk space available, plus additional storage for the ElastiCubes.
  • For Azure systems that have a 30GB default capacity, you must stop the instance and expand the OS disk capacity up to 300GB before proceeding with installation. Sisense supplies the following scripts to assist you with expanding the disk capacity:
  • NVMe disks are recommended for the second disk. If NVMe disks are not used in your system, SSDs are mandatory.
    Sisense does not support systems running with HDD.
  • AWS disk IOPS is determined by a formula. EBS gets 250MB/s at 3000 IOPS at the peak, but tokens are provided depending on the disk size.
  • Servers must be connected to the internet and must have network access to a Docker Hub. If you are performing an offline installation, see Installing Sisense in an Offline Environment.
  • The network between the servers must reach at least 1 Gbps.
  • The installation requires the user/password or SSH key. In a multi-node deployment, the same user credentials (password/SSH key) must be defined on all of the server nodes.
  • See Integrating Sisense with Portworx if your environment uses the Portworx platform for end-to-end storage and data management solution on the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Set kubernetes_minimum_pods to 58 per node.

Compatibility Matrix

  • Kubernetes types supported (for pre-built Kubernetes clusters):
    • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
    • Google Cloud Engine
    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)+
    • Red Hat OpenShift++
  • Sisense on Linux supports Kubernetes versions as detailed in the following table:

    Kubernetes Version 1.22 1.23 1.24+ 1.25+*** 1.26+*** 1.27+*** 1.28+*** 1.29+*** 1.30+***
    Sisense Version

    L2024.2 ✓** ✓** ✓**
    L2024.1 ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓**
    L2023.11 ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓**
    L2023.9 ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓**
    L2023.7 ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓**+++
    L2023.6 ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓**+++
    L2023.5 ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓** ✓**+++
    L2023.4 ✓** ✓** ✓**
    L2023.3 ✓** ✓**
    L2023.2 ✓** ✓**
    L2023.1 ✓** ✓**
    L2022.11 ✓** ✓**
    L2022.10 ✓** ✓**
    L2022.9 ✓** ✓**
    L2022.8 ✓** ✓**
    L2022.6 ✓*
    L2022.5 ✓*
    L2022.4 ✓*

    * Kubernetes 1.22 is only supported for RKE or Provisioner installations.

    ** If installing or upgrading to EKS 1.23 or newer, see Creating a Service Account for the EBS CSI Driver on EKS.

    *** GlusterFS has been deprecated in Kubernetes v1.25. Therefore, Sisense does not support GlusterFS storage after Sisense version L2023.4. See this kubernetes blog for more information. Starting with Sisense version L2023.5, for on-prem environments, you must provide NFS storage.

    + IMPORTANT: When deploying Sisense on Azure Kubernetes Service (version 1.24 and later) there might be an issue accessing the UI if SSL is enabled. See Deploying Sisense on Azure Kubernetes Service for more information.

    ++ Both internal and external monitoring are not supported for OpenShift installations and must be disabled, (set to false). Consider using OpenShift built-in monitoring tools instead.

    +++ In some scenarios, application backup & restore may not work as expected. We recommend using snapshot and disk level backups as a workaround for successful restoration with Kubernetes 1.27 support in these versions (L2023.5, L2023.6, L2023.7). We recommend to upgrade to Sisense version L2023.9 or newer, in which backup & restore functionality with Kubernetes 1.27 is fully supported.

Open Ports Requirements

Linux outbound ports:

  • 443
  • 80

The inbound and outbound ports listed in the table below must be open in the server firewall before installation.

For the Source column in this table:

  • Same security group - For an internal cluster, all of the Kubernetes nodes need to open those ports to any other Kubernetes nodes within the cluster.

  • Customer IP Address - The ports should be accessible from outside the cluster in order to use the application. The customer can set the IP scope level, that is, who is able to access the network.

Namespaces TCP/UDP Ports Source




Same security group





Same security group

Custom TCP Rule



Customer IP Address

Custom TCP Rule


kubernetes admin


Customer IP Address

Custom TCP Rule



2379 - 2380

Same security group

Custom TCP Rule



Note: Rook-Ceph is no longer supported as the shared storage layer for new deployments of Sisense Fusion. This Rook-Ceph documentation is intended only for existing Sisense instances configured to use Rook-Ceph. If you’re a new Sisense customer or an existing customer installing a new Sisense deployment, you should use one of the supported alternatives such as FSx (for AWS) or NFS (for non-AWS).




6800 - 7300



Same security group

Custom TCP Rule




Same security group

Custom TCP Rule




Same security group

Custom TCP Rule
Sisense Web UI



Customer IP Address

Custom TCP Rule


10249 - 10259

Same security group

Custom TCP Rule


30000 - 39999

Same security group

Custom TCP Rule


Weave - rpcbind


Same security group

Custom TCP Rule


Node exporter


Same security group




Customer IP Address

Server Connectivity Requirements

The servers must be connected to the Internet and must have network access to the following server list:


Default Packages Repository

Before installing Sisense, ensure that the default packages repository for your Linux distribution is configured and enabled.

The Sisense installer requires the repository in order to install the following packages:

  • python 3
  • python3-pip
  • nc
  • sshpass
  • jq
  • libselinux-python3
  • dbus (for Ubuntu only)

For RHEL/Centos Linux, access to and all its mirrors ( network) is required to successfully install all the above packages. (See

Check that the packages repository for your Linux distribution is pre-installed on your server.

Verification commands for RHEL/Centos:

sudo yum install gawk 
sudo yum install 
sudo yum install --enablerepo="epel" python3-pip nc sshpass jq libselinux-python3

Verification commands for Amazon Linux:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
sudo yum reinstall python3 python3-pip || sudo yum install -y python3 python3-pip
sudo yum install nc sshpass jq libselinux-python3

Verification commands for Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 netcat sshpass python3-apt python3-pip dbus
sudo apt-get install jq

python3 and pip

python3 and pip must be accessible from the terminal via the commands:

  • python3
  • pip

Verification commands:

sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip
sudo python3 -m pip install configparser zipp
sudo python3 -m pip install -r kubespray/requirements.txt --ignore-installed (from the installation folder)

DNS Configuration

The DNS must be configured in the system. This is needed to resolve the Docker registry.

The DNS server must be accessible from the Kubernetes nodes where Sisense is deployed in order for the Sisense component interconnections to function properly.

Whitelisted Resources

The following whitelisted resources must be added:

Next Step