Installing Sisense on OpenShift


  1. Create your Sisense project (namespace).

    NAMESPACE_NAME=sisense #for example
    oc new-project ${NAMESPACE_NAME} --display-name ${NAMESPACE_NAME}
  2. Create the Role. It will be assigned to the serviceAccount used by the installation. Make sure to name the role sisense and assign it to the relevant namespace.

    1. Create the file role.yaml with the following content:

      kind: Role
        name: sisense
        namespace: <NAMESPACE_NAME>
        - verbs:
            - get
            - list
            - watch
            - create
            - update
            - patch
            - delete
            - use
            - deletecollection
            - '*'
            - '*'
    2. Save it, and run the command oc apply -f role.yaml.

    3. Create new SecurityContextConstraints (scc) named sisense to allow sisense pods to get the necessary permissions.

    4. Create the file scc.yaml with the following content:

      allowHostDirVolumePlugin: false
      allowHostIPC: false
      allowHostNetwork: false
      allowHostPID: false
      allowHostPorts: false
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
      allowPrivilegedContainer: false
      allowedCapabilities: null
      defaultAddCapabilities: null
        type: RunAsAny
      groups: []
      kind: SecurityContextConstraints
        name: sisense
      priority: null
      readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
      - KILL
      - MKNOD
      - SYS_CHROOT
        type: RunAsAny
        type: MustRunAs
        type: RunAsAny
      - configMap
      - downwardAPI
      - emptyDir
      - persistentVolumeClaim
      - projected
      - secret
    5. Save it, and run the following commands:

      # Create the scc
      oc apply -f scc.yaml created

      # Attach sisense scc to all service accounts on your namespace 
      oc adm policy add-scc-to-group sisense system:serviceaccounts:${NAMESPACE_NAME}
  1. Manually label your Kubernetes nodes. Each of your nodes must have at least one of the following labels and values:

  • node-${NAMESPACE}-Application=true

  • node-${NAMESPACE}-Query=true

  • node-${NAMESPACE}-Build=true

And remove node taint from all nodes.

For example:

oc label node ${your_node_1} node-${NAMESPACE}-Application=true --overwrite=true
oc label node ${your_node_1} node-${NAMESPACE}-Query=true --overwrite=true
oc label node ${your_node_2} node-${NAMESPACE}-Application=true --overwrite=true
oc label node ${your_node_2} node-${NAMESPACE}-Query=true --overwrite=true
oc label node ${your_node_3} node-${NAMESPACE}-Build=true --overwrite=true

oc taint nodes --all


  • If you are using a cloud managed OpenShift, you may not be able to use the oc label node command, and you will have to modify the node labels via the Cloud/OpenShift provider’s UI or CLI command.

  • If you have more than three nodes not including master, you do not need to remove the last taint (i.e., there is no need to run the last command above).

  1. Install your own Storage Classes (or you can use the same Storage Class for both RWX and RWO):

  • One for RWX (Read/Write many, for the Sisense apps themselves)

  • One for RWO (Read/Write once, for the stateful sets, such as MongoDB/ZooKeeper/RabbitMQ)

Installing Sisense on OpenShift

  1. Enter the following:

    # Must run this command before installing Sisense for the first time:
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:${NAMESPACE_NAME}:${NAMESPACE_NAME}-mongodb

    tar -xvf sisense_installer-${SISENSE_VERSION}-DockerHub.tar.gz
    cd sisense-${SISENSE_VERSION}
    vi openshift_config.yaml
  2. Edit the values as needed. See Installing Sisense on Linux, step 5 ("Deployment"), for information about the various parameters.
    Ensure that these parameters are configured as follows:

    • is_openshift: true (*required)

    • rwx_sc_name: "<Your RWX Storage Class name>"
    • rwo_sc_name: "<Your RWO Storage Class name>"

Sample openshift_config.yaml file:

### RedHat OpenShift 3.11-4.7
## Run from supported OS, Run the following before:
## oc login [openshfit-api-server] -u username -p password

#1. node: Internal DNS name.
#2. roles: Sisense node role: 'application,query' or 'build'.
  - { node:, roles: "application, query" }
  - { node:, roles: "application, query" }
  - { node:, roles: "build" }

## Deployment size is used to determine the maximum pod limits allocated for application
## Possible values: small/large
deployment_size: "small"

## Sisense will use Kubernetes ClusterRole in order to manage the tenant
cluster_visibility: true

## Installing on OpenShift 4.0+ (oc cli is required) - true/false
is_openshift: true

## In case of offline installation (private or public docker registry is required) - true/false
## If your docker registry is private Sisense will generate a pull secret for you
offline_installer: false
## An IP or DNS name for your Docker registry
#docker_registry: ""
## Whether your registry requires credentials to pull images or not
private_docker_registry: false

## Enable delta approach for shared dashboards/widgets
enable_widget_deltas: false

## Update current installation. - true/false
update: false

## show maintanace page during upgrade process
notify_on_upgrade: true

## Application DNS Name.
#1. When empty, first node external_ip will be configured
#2. When is_ssl is true, configure the CN name
#3. Add http:// or https:// as a prefix when using external Load Balancer for Commom name
application_dns_name: ""

## Linux user of the servers (UID 1000)
linux_user: "sisense"

## SSH Key Path or Password is required, when ssh_key is empty, password will be prompted
ssh_key: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

## To define user other than UID 1000, configure the following parameters
run_as_user: 1000
run_as_group: 1000
fs_group: 1000

# Cloud LoadBalancer service  - true/false
cloud_load_balancer: false

# Support high availability
# Load sisense service in active/active redundancy
high_availability: true

### OpenShift storage types: nfs (client), nfs-server, cephfs, trident.
## The following StorageClass should be exist in openshfit
## RWX and RWO Storage classes are mandatory prerequisite for Sisense.
## In nfs-server: NFS Server will installed in OpenShift, it will use RWO Storage class.
storage_type: ""

## RWX Access Mode StorageClass name (e.g: Ceph RBD, Trident, NFS, etc..).
rwx_sc_name: "nfs-client"

## RWO Access Mode StorageClass name (gp2 sc, default gcp sc, Azure disks sc, or any RWX sc)
rwo_sc_name: "gp2"

## NFS Client details
nfs_server: ""
nfs_path: ""

## Disks size (GB)
## No need to change mongodb_disk_size, zookeeper_disk_size
sisense_disk_size: 70
mongodb_disk_size: 20
zookeeper_disk_size: 2

## System time zone.
## Format for example:  UTC | US/Central | US/Pacific | US/Eastern | Asia/Jerusalem | Asia/Tokyo | Etc/GMT+6
timezone: "UTC"

## Name of Namespace
namespace_name: sisense

## Gateway port of api-gateway service - endpoint of Sisense in Non-Secured mode.
gateway_port: 30845

## Activate Secured Sisense in HTTPS, define key and cert certificates.
is_ssl: false
ssl_key_path: ""
ssl_cer_path: ""

## Uninstall Cluster service like kube-prometheus-stack, nfs
uninstall_cluster: false

## Uninstalling Sisense Kubernetes components from the Kubernetes managed - true/false
uninstall_sisense: false

## Removing all Sisense data - true/false
remove_user_data: false
  1. Run the installation:

./ openshift_config.yaml

# After it shows you your configuration and you're ok with it, just type "Y" or "y" and hit enter
The following Configuration will be delegated to Sisense Installation, Please confirm:
  "k8s_nodes": [
      "node": "",
      "roles": "application, query"
  "deployment_size": "small",
  "cluster_visibility": true,
  "is_openshift": true,
  "offline_installer": false,
  "private_docker_registry": false,
  "enable_widget_deltas": false,
  "update": false,
  "namespace_name": "sisense",
  "gateway_port": 30845,
  "is_ssl": false,
  "ssl_key_path": "",
  "ssl_cer_path": "",
  "uninstall_cluster": false,
  "uninstall_sisense": false,
  "remove_user_data": false
Do you wish to install Sisense develop.13958 (y/n)?  y # Hit Enter
  1. Wait for the installation to complete.

  1. If this is a first installation, then once this is done, you must add an OpenShift route which will connect to the external API gateway service.
    For example:

    oc expose svc api-gateway-external exposed

    oc get route api-gateway-external
    NAME                   HOST/PORT                                                                   PATH   SERVICES               PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
    api-gateway-external          api-gateway-external   http                 None

    # Now you can login to sisense via the "HOST/PORT" address you see above.
    # In this example:
  1. Enter your Sisense address, and run the activation.