Installing/Updating Sisense Logging Helm Chart

Sisense offers its users the logging feature, which is an app that collects all logs from all Sisense pods, and saves them in the node’s file system under /var/log/sisense, providing you an alternate easy access to Sisense logs.

The Helm chart includes Fluent-bit, which collects the logs directly from the pods, and Fluentd, which receives all of the logs from Fluent-bit and writes them into log files in the node under /var/log/sisense.

This topic details how to install or update the Sisense Logging Helm chart.


Install it under the same Kubernetes namespace where you install the Sisense app.



The Sisense Helm chart cannot be installed if your are Installing Sisense without ClusterVisiblity.

Adding the Helm Repo and Searching for the Helm Chart

  1. If needed, add the Sisense Helm repo, and run a quick update to sync with the remote repo:

    helm repo add sisense-fusion
    helm repo update
  2. You can search the available chart version via one of the following commands:

# Only official versions
helm search repo sisense-fusion/kube-prometheus-stack -l

# Including non-official/development/customized versions
helm search repo sisense-fusion/kube-prometheus-stack -l

Upgrading Logging

If you already have your own predefined logmon-values.yaml file which you used from previous installations, and you are upgrading the Logging version, perform the following command:

# Set your values file name, examples below:
# LOGMON_VALUES=logmon-values-multi.yaml

# Change the value of "sisense_version:" into the new Sisense version, then save and and exit
# Example:
# sisense_version: L2024.1.0.51

# It should be installed in the same namespace as the Sisense app

# Set the version in format Sever 2
SISENSE_SEMVER=<Version in format Semver 2>
# Example for L2024.1.0.51:
# SISENSE_SEMVER=2024.1.051

helm upgrade --namespace=${NAMESPACE} logmon-${NAMESPACE} sisense-fusion/logging-monitoring --version ${SISENSE_SEMVER} -f logmon-values.yaml

You can now continue with the Sisense installation/upgrade.

First Installation

Values Configuration

  1. Download the relevant values file into your server:

  1. Edit the values as needed (for example: securityContext parameters, such as runAsUser, or runAsGroup, etc…).

    The parameters below must be set as follows:

    • sisense_version: <Sisense version> (Example: L2024.1.0.51)

    • private_ip: <Node name or address> (Example: mynode1)

    • public_ip: <Node name or address> (Example: mynode1)

    • k8s_node_1: <Node name or address> (Example: mynode1)

    • Only for Multi-node/Cloud:

      Replace <Sisense namespace>with the actual namespace where installing Sisense (Usually it would be sisense)


      # Only for Multinode or Cloud
                - matchExpressions:
                  # key: node-sisense-Application
                  - key: node-<Sisense namespace>-Application
                    operator: In
                    - "true"
                - matchExpressions:
                  # key: node-sisense-Query
                  - key: node-<Sisense namespace>-Query
                    operator: In
                    - "true"
                - matchExpressions:
                  # key: node-sisense-Build
                  - key: node-<Sisense namespace>-Build
                    operator: In
                    - "true"


  1. After you have completed the pre-configuration above, install the Logging app using the following command:

# Set your values file name, examples below:
# LOGMON_VALUES=logmon-values-multi.yaml

# It should be installed in the same namespace as the Sisense app

# Set the version in format Sever 2
SISENSE_SEMVER=<Version in format Semver 2>
# Example for L2024.1.0.51:
# SISENSE_SEMVER=2024.1.051

helm upgrade --namespace=${NAMESPACE} logmon-${NAMESPACE} sisense-fusion/logging-monitoring \
  --version ${SISENSE_SEMVER} -f ${LOGMON_VALUES} --install --create-namespace
  1. Make sure that the Prometheus pods are running:

kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods | grep fluent

You can now continue with the Sisense installation/upgrade.