Data Sources

Connecting to your data is the first step in analyzing your business information.

See Data Source Connectors for lists of the Live and ElastiCube data source connectors.

Data Source Connection Types

There are different ways to connect data models to your data sources. The connection type you choose depends on your use case and the data source:

  • Live - Live connections connect directly to the data source. Use a Live connection if your data changes frequently and your dashboards must reflect this. See the Live Data Source Connectors section of Data Source Connectors for a list of the available connectors.
    See Introducing Live Models for more information about using Live models.
  • ElastiCube - Import your data into the ElastiCube to take advantage of Sisense's high performance database. See the ElastiCube Data Source Connectors section of Data Source Connectors for a list of the available connectors.
    See Introducing ElastiCubes for more information about using ElastiCubes.
  • Build to Destination (B2D) - ElastiCube users can take advantage of the benefits of using a cloud data warehouse to store and query their data. This is an effective approach for existing ElastiCube users with very large amounts of data. See Build to Destination Benefits and Considerations for more information.


See Choosing the Right Data Model for detailed information about how to choose the best type of data model for your business requirements.

Hybrid Approach

A single dashboard can support both ElastiCube and Live data models. This is sometimes referred to as a "hybrid model". For instructions on how to do this, see Creating a Dashboard with Multiple Sources.