Sisense Git Integration Limitations
The Sisense Git Integration feature involves huge changes across the entire application resulting in the following limitations as we keep improving it:
- Dashboards and Data Models are the only currently supported asset types.
- HTTPS is the only supported authentication method for connecting to remote repositories.
- Merge and conflict resolution are not supported in the Sisense Git Integration GUI. The user will have to handle this on a remote repository first, and then Git pull in the updates to the Sisense project.
- The ability to edit changed files directly in the Sisense GUI is not currently supported.
- Multitenancy - Git can only be used in the main system tenant environment, not by the organization tenants.
Folders are not tracked by Git (Asset Translation and Management). Therefore, promoting a dashboard that is included in a folder on the dev environment will not recreate this folder on the prod environment, resulting in the new dashboard being located in the general list of dashboards.
Data Security is not tracked by Git projects. Therefore, changes will not be migrated between the environments.