Monitoring Sisense with APIs and CLI
The monitoring service in Sisense enables you to run system monitoring tests via the REST API or a Command Line Interface (CLI). The test results can be retrieved in the response or via an API. All tests are executed using the System token, unless you provide other credentials.
For information about the Sisense Application Health check API, see Monitoring Sisense on Linux.
Built-in Tests
The following table lists all of the built-in tests and a description of each:
Title | Description |
Login | Tests successful user authentication |
Query |
Live | Checks that Live data models are present in the system |
RabbitMQ |
{ "no_consumers_queues": [ "build-cccd8483-09f7-40aa-b43a-e12339c93e28", "management-74fe3d97-64d7-4913-a77e-5792c84953c1", "query-47def361-1d6f-45ba-8eee-efabeb8c27e7", "query-d919d2ac-f3a5-48d3-9679-848d8e5dd7bf", "", "sisense.elasticube.metadata.changes.query.queue-01e2c7c0-77d4-4e04-a1c2-a706cf1fa09a" ], total_unack_messages" : 550 } |
GraphQL | Checks that the GraphQL restListElasticubes endpoint returns a list of ElastiCubes |
Checks that JAQL can be executed on a specified cube with cubeTitle. JAQL is build dynamically, based on specified optional dimensionId, or on a random ElastiCube field: { "datasource": "Sample ECommerce", "metadata": [ { "dim": "[Brand.Brand]" } ], "count": 1, "offset": 0 } |
Galaxy |
Pods |
{'query-7d9798787b-xhsqw': { failedContainers: [ { name: 'query', state: { waiting: { reason: 'CrashLoopBackOff', message: 'back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=query pod=query-7d9798787b-xhsqw_sisense(23e6d6d0-fb4c-47b2-86c9-923dcc66bd88)' } }, lastState: { terminated: { exitCode: 0, reason: 'Completed', startedAt: '2020-10-08T08:12:43Z', finishedAt: '2020-10-08T08:14:43Z', containerID: 'docker://96490307b12b8e9fc5c09c3a4df130fe73508fda9e63c12082ea458a968da217' } }, ready: false, restartCount: 206, image: '', imageID: 'docker-pullable:// c92dd022ee0f53b10d70de770a9c02f9f5e1083cd9aafa42c1b0798', containerID: 'docker://96490307b12b8e9fc5c09c3a4df130fe73508fda9e63c12082ea458a968da217', started: false } ], failedConditions: [ { type: 'Ready', status: 'False', lastProbeTime: null, lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-07T17:04:33Z', reason: 'ContainersNotReady', message: 'containers with unready status: [query]' }, { type: 'ContainersReady', status: 'False', lastProbeTime: null, lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-07T17:04:33Z', reason: 'ContainersNotReady', message: 'containers with unready status: [query]' } ] } |
Mongo |
Built-in Test Configurations
Internal Test Configurations are additional parameters to set for some of the tests to work. When configuring the Monitoring service initialization, test configurations are loaded into the Monitoring Database under the testConfigs collection and can be further retrieved and modified via the API.
Each test should have a .config file that specifies basic tests configurations.
The following table describes the structure of the test configuration.
Property | Description | Default |
testName | The name of the test | |
testEntryFile | The test entry file name, including the extension | |
type |
The type of test. Supported test types are:
arguments | Configurable arguments to run the tests (see Configurable Arguments below) | Empty array |
version | The version of the test | 1.0.0 |
enabled | Indicates if the test is enabled (Boolean). Disabled tests are not included to run all test flows, but still will be available for running by name | true |
executionTimeout | Test execution timeout (ms) | 5000 |
retry | Number of allowed retries | 1 |
Example of a Test Configuration
"testName": "exampleNodeJSTest",
"testEntryFile": "index.js",
"type": "js"
You can also specify the inline test configurations instead of using the global preset tests. This enables you to configure health monitoring tests for ad-hoc use. For technical API information about Application Health Check, see
Configurable Arguments
Some of the tests need to be configured for them to run. This applies to tests that check dashboards, widgets, and ElastiCube functionality. The following table describes these configurations.
Test Name | Configuration | Description | ||||||
Query | {
Galaxy |
Running Tests with the REST API
The REST API is included in version 2 of Sisense's API and is available in /api/v2/tests
With the REST API, you can:
- Get the list of current tests
- Run tests asynchronously
- Return the latest test results
- Return the current tests by test configuration ID or name
- Update a specific test by ID or name
For more information about working with the REST API, see
Running Tests with the CLI
You can use the CLI to monitor your Sisense deployment. To do so, you'll first need to run
docker/kubectl exec
to the container. CLI commands can be executed as:
node ./src/cli/index.js <operation> <options>
The following table lists supported Operations:
Operation | Shorthand | Description |
help | h | Displays Help |
getTestList | list | Displays the list of available tests |
executeTests | exec | Execute tests. Tests can be specified by the --names option (test names to
be executed) or by the --all option (executes all tests) |
The following table lists supported Options:
Operation | Shorthand | Description |
--table | -t | Displays the results in a table |
--names | -a | Executes all tests that are present in the /tests folder (relevant for the
executeTests command) |
--isAsync | -isAsync | Executes tests in an asynchronous way, and saves the results to a dedicated MongoDB database called
MonitoringDB, in the testResults collection |
--token | -token | Executes tests with a specified token for test operations with the Sisense API |
--credentials | -creds | Executes tests with specified credentials (username, password) for test operations with the Sisense API |
CLI Examples
Run help for a specific command:
node ./src/cli/index.js help <command>
Run specific tests and display results as a table:
node ./src/cli/index.js executeTests -n galaxy --table
Run all tests:
node ./src/cli/index.js executeTests --all
Run tests with a specific token:
node ./src/cli/index.js executeTests --all --token 123456
Run tests with specific credentials:
node ./src/cli/index.js executeTests --all --credentials mypassword
Run all tests asynchronously:
node ./src/cli/index.js executeTests --all --isAsync