Dashboard Functions Reference

This topic lists all the functions you can use in Sisense's formula editor.


If you are looking for information about the functions for custom tables and fields, see Data Functions for Custom Tables and Fields.

At the top level, the functions in this reference are organized into sections for statistical, mathematical, time, measured value and "other" functions. In addition, functions are further subdivided as follows:

  • Aggregative functions are marked with (A) next to their names. This includes important functions such as Sum, Average, Count, Median, and so on.
  • Multipass compatible functions are marked with (M) next to their names. The Multipass Declaration - ([Dimension], Aggregation) is a group by statement that is used with aggregate functions to group the result set by one column and return a list. For example, the formula AVG([Brand], SUM([Cost])) calculates the average of total cost per brand.

  • Functions that are only supported for ElastiCubes are marked with (EC) next to their names. All other functions are supported for both ElastiCube and Live models.

Important note:

The Analytical Engine requires that every measure defined in the formula editor be aggregative. For example, instead of DDiff([Discharge Time], [Admission Time]), use AVG(DDiff([Discharge Time], [Admission Time])).

The examples found here do not always include a wrapping aggregation function, even though one will be required by the formula editor. (The example screen shots do include a wrapping aggregation function - because otherwise, they wouldn't work.)

Statistical Functions

Statistical Functions Supported by ElastiCube and Live Models

These statistical functions are supported for both ElastiCube and Live models.

Aggregative Functions

Non-aggregative Functions

Statistical Functions Supported by ElastiCube Only

These statistical functions are only supported for ElastiCubes.

Aggregative Functions

Non-aggregative Functions

Mathematical Functions

Mathematical Functions Supported by ElastiCube and Live Models

These mathematical functions are supported for both ElastiCube and Live models.

Aggregative Functions

Non-aggregative Functions

Mathematical Functions Supported by ElastiCube Only

These mathematical functions are only supported for ElastiCubes.

Time-Related Functions

Measured Value Functions

These functions only work as part of a measured value, not by themselves. See Measured Values for more information.

Other Functions

Other Functions Supported by ElastiCube and Live Models

These functions are supported for both ElastiCube and Live models.

Other Functions Supported by ElastiCube Only

These functions are only supported for ElastiCubes.