Web Functions

You can use web functions in custom tables and fields. See Adding Custom Tables and Defining and Editing Field Formulas for further details.


In all circumstances, the URL must include 'http://'. For example, if the URL is www.sisense.com, the syntax should be GetFile ('http:// www.sisense.com')

Following are descriptions for the web functions:

DomainIs: true/false DomainIs (URL,compared domain)
Get whether the given urls domain matches the given domain. For example, 'http://www.wikipedia.org' matches org, wikipedia, www.wikipedia.org.

GetFile: string GetFile (url)
Extract the filename portion of the path in the given url and returns it.

The filename is everything after the last slash in the path.

GetHost: string GetHost (url)
Extract host from the given url, for example 'www.wikipedia.org' in 'http://www.wikipedia.org'

GetPassword: string GetPassword (url)
Extract password from the given url.

Specified in the url following the user name, with leading colon (':') and trailing at sign (@), as in 'http://user:password@host/.'

GetPath: string GetPath (url)
Extract path from the given url.

Path is the url portion following the host name, for example '/wiki/Business_intelligence' in

GetPort: string GetPort (url)
Extract port from the given url, parsed as integret, for example 123 in 'http://www.wikipedia.org:123/'

GetQuery: string GetQuery(url)
Extract the query from the given url.

Specified in the url after the '?' and before (optional) the '#' sign, for example 'par=val' in 'http://www.wikipedia.org/?par=val#ref'.

GetQueryParamValue (url,param name): string GetQueryParamValue (url,param name)
Extract param value from the given url's query, by the given param name.

Param/Value pairs when supplied, are delimited by an ampersand or a semicolon.

GetRef: string GetRef (url)
Extract ref from given url.

Specified in the url starting after last appearance of the '#' sign, for example 'ref' in 'http://www.wikipedia.org/?par=val#ref'

GetScheme: string GetScheme (url)
Extract scheme from given url.

Skips leading spaces and followed colon (':') sign, for example 'http://www.wikipedia.org/'

GetUserName: string GetUserName (url)
Extract user name from given url.

Specified in the url before the host name and delimited by an '@' as in 'http://user@host/.'

HasHost: true\false HasHost (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a host.

HasPassword: true\false HasPassword (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a password.

HasPath: true\false HasPath (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a path.

HasPort: true\falseHasPort (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a port.

HasQuery: true\false HasQuery (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a query.

HasRef: true\false HasRef (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a ref.

HasScheme: true\false HasScheme (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a scheme.

HasUsername: true\false HasUsername (url)
Get whether the given url specifies a user name.

HostIsIpAddress: true\false HostIsIpAddress (url)
Get whether the given url host name is an ip address.

IsEmptyUrl: true\false IsEmptyUrl (url)
Get whether the given url is empty.

IsFileUrl: true\false IsFileUrl (url)
Get whether the given url is a file url.

IsSecuredUrl: true\false IsSecuredUrl (url)
Get whether the given url scheme indicates a secured connection(https).

IsStandardScheme: true\false IsStandardScheme (url)
Returns true if the scheme for the current urk is a known 'standard' scheme.

Standard schemes have an authority and a path section (including file:).

IsValidUrl: true\false IsValidUrl (url)
Get whether the given url has a valid form.

PathForRequest: true\false PathForRequest (url)
Returns the path that should be sent to the server.

This is the path, parameter, and query portions of the url.

SchemeIs: true\false SchemeIs (url)
Get whether the given url scheme portion matches the given scheme.