Organizing Dashboards
You can organize your dashboards into folders and sub-folders within any of your folders to improve how you navigate the Navigation Pane.
To create a folder:
In the Navigation Pane, click + and select New Folder.
The new folder is added to the dashboards list.
Hover over a folder to view a pop-up window displaying the folder details, such as the folder's owner.
Hover over the new folder and click
> Rename to name the folder.
To create additional sub-folders within your folders, hover over the folder and click
> New Folder and repeat Step 2.
You can drag and drop your dashboards from other folders or the Navigation Pane to any of your folders.
To move dashboards under a folder, you must be the owner of both the dashboard and the folder.
For information only about folders that belong to you or that have been shared with you, use the GET /folders API.
To manage your folders, use the API calls provided here.
For information about improving dashboard performance, see Maximize Dashboard Performance.