Linux-Supported CLI Commands for Sisense

This page provides a list of commands and log locations that you can use to debug your Sisense deployment on Linux (see Using Sisense CLI Commands).

Get kubectl tab completions:
source <(kubectl completion bash) 2>/dev/null

Get helm tab completions:
source <(helm completion bash) 2>/dev/null

Get a list of pods:
kubectl -n sisense get pods
kubectl -n sisense get pods -o wide

Access management logs:
kubectl -n sisense logs $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -l app="management" -o custom-columns="" )

Tail the log and print the last 10 lines:
kubectl -n sisense -f --tail=10 logs $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -l app="management" -o custom-columns="" )

Disable colors in logs:
kubectl -n sisense set env deployment/management DISABLE_COLORS_LOG=true

Get Kubernetes events:
kubectl -n sisense get events

Monitor Kubernetes events:
kubectl -n sisense get events --watch

Restart and build the Sisense service:


This restarts the build service only.

kubectl -n sisense delete pod $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -l app="build" -o custom-columns="" )

Restart all services:
kubectl -n sisense delete pods $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -o custom-columns="")

The location of log directories:
On the first installed node:

  • /var/log/sisense/namespace/
  • /var/log/sisense/sisense/combined.log -- logs of all services

For each service, there is a log file that you can retrieve, for example:

  • /var/log/sisense/sisense/query.log
  • /var/log/sisense/sisense/api-gateway.log

Get Sisense CLI:
To access the Sisense CLI: see "Accessing the Sisense CLI" in Using Sisense CLI Commands.

Add the file to the home directory:

Get a list of ElasticCubes from the CLI:
si elasticubes list

Build an ElastiCube from the Sisense CLI:
si elasticubes build -name ariel -type full

View disk usage for shared storage:
kubectl -n sisense exec -it $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -l app="management" -o custom-columns="" ) -- bash -c "df -H /opt/sisense/storage"

Get all services:
kubectl get services -n sisense

Execute bash on a pod:
kubectl -n sisense exec -it $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -l app="management" -o custom-columns="") bash

List all blocked devices in the system:

Get Kubernetes dashboard URL:
kubectl cluster-info

Get an Admin user token:
kubectl describe secret -n kube-system admin-user-token

List helm releases:
helm list --all

Expose the Message Broker Management UI:
kubectl port-forward -n sisense pod/sisense-rabbitmq-ha-0 30999:15672 --address=

Expose the Sisense application database internal communication port:
kubectl port-forward --address -n sisense sisense-mongodb-replicaset-0 30846:27017

Kill all evicted pods:
kubectl get po --all-namespaces | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2, "--namespace", $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod

Get the Grafana of the cluster:
kubectl -n monitoring get svc prom-operator-grafana


For more information, see Resolving plugin build issues on the Sisense Community site.