Connectors Plug-ins
The Connectors Plug-ins feature allows you to apply custom logic to modify how Sisense connects and works with a data source using Java code. There are four flows that you can modify:
- Connection Flow: Modify how Sisense connects to a data source, for example, by adding parameters specific to the data source.
- Discovery Flow: Modify which metadata is discovered by filtering tables or columns.
- Query Execution Flow: Modify the query before it is executed.
- Data Extraction Flow: Modify the extracted data during a build or a live connection to a data source.
Plug-ins are one (or more) Java classes in the connector folder that implement one or more interfaces that they are related to. You develop your plug-ins for some or all of the flows according to its scope. The scope of your plug-in controls the flow in which the plug-in is applied. For example, connection plug-ins can be applied to both Query Execution and Discovery flows. Defining the scope of your plug-in is optional. If you do not define a scope, the plug-in is automatically applied to all scopes. The scope is defined on the plug-in level.
Plug-in Life Cycle
There are four stages to the life cycle of a plug-in:
- Initialization: You prepare a tar.gz file containing all the relevant files for the plug-in. To introduce the plug-in to the system, you execute a CLI command to install the plug-in. This command copies and extracts the tar.gz content into the specified connector's directory, compiles the Java files and uses the classLoader to load the plug-in classes. Then, you need to restart the Query service.
- Creation: The plug-in is initiated with the connector it belongs to and the plug-in classes are loaded.
- Execution: The plug-in’s methods are executed according to the defined scope.
- Destruction: The plug-in is destroyed with the connector it belongs to and the onDestroyPlugin method is executed.
Enabling the Connectors Plug-in
By default, the Connectors Plug-in feature is disabled, which prevents it from being applied to your builds or Live connections.
To enable the Connectors Plug-in feature:
In Sisense, go to Admin > search for and select System Management (located under Server & Hardware) > click Configuration.
In the top-left corner, click the Sisense logo five times.
Open the Connectors section and toggle EnableConnectorsPlugins to Enabled.
In the Sisense CLI, run the following command:si config set -key connectors.enableConnectorsPlugins -new-value true
Restart the Query service.
To access the Sisense CLI, see Accessing the Sisense CLI in Using Sisense CLI Commands.
Creating Plug-ins
Sisense supports four Connector plug-ins types based on the four possible flows you can modify:
- Connection extension
- Discovery extension
- ExecuteQuery extension
- DataExtraction extension
This section describes how to implement each type and provides examples of how you can use them.
Plug-in Packaging
You should package your plug-ins as a tar.gz file. Inside the tar.gz file you should include the following files:
- Sisense Connectors SDK: This is the SDK JAR file provided by Sisense. Contact your CSM for the latest version.
- manifest.yaml file: A manifest file that you create, which contains two key-value pairs for each plug-in. The keys are name and version. The value of name is the name of your plug-in, which you define. The version is the version of the plug-in, which you define. These values are displayed in the Name and Version columns when you run the list plug-ins command.
- Java Plug-in files: The Java files that contain the logic of your extensions. To implement a plug-in, you need to extend one or more extension classes (specified below), and override methods to implement your custom logic. The Java classes should not reside in a package.
A typical project's structure:
tar.gz content:
Connection Extensions
You can implement Connection extensions to modify how Sisense connects to your data source by overriding the
following methods:
ConnectionParameters beforeConnectionCreated(ConnectionParameters connectionParameters, ConnectionUiParameters connectionUiParameters, ConnectorConfig connnectorConfig)
ConnectionParameters contains:
- String connectionString
- Map<String, Object> connectionArguments
Allows you to modify connection parameters, for example adding a connection string parameter.
void afterConnectionCreated(Connection connection): Allows you to configure additional connection parameters.
@ConnectorPlugin(extensionScopes={PluginExtensionScope.LIVE, PluginExtensionScope.DISCOVERY})
class MyConnectionPlugin extends ConnectionExtension {
public void afterConnectionCreated(Connection connection) {
Discovery Extensions
You can use the Discovery extension to modify data found in the data source.
Discovery extensions can override the following methods:
- List< String > getDatabases(List< String > databases): Allows you to modify the database list.
- List< Table > getTables(List< Table > tables): Allows you to modify the list of returned tables.
- Table getTableDetails(Table table): Allows you to modify the list of returned table details.
interface DiscoveryPlugin extends ConnectorPlugin {
default List<String> getDatabases(List<String> databases) {
return databases;
default List<Table> getTables(List<Table> tables) {
return tables;
default Table getTableDetails(Table table) {
return table;
The example below filters tables that start with the letter "A" on the data source level.
class FilterTablesPlugin extends DiscoveryExtension {
public List<Table> getTables(List<Table> tables) {
return tables
.filter(table -> table.getName().startWith("A"))
ExecuteQuery Extension
Execute query extensions can be used to modify execute query behavior.
- String beforeExecuteQuery(QueryContext queryContext, String query): Allows you to modify a query before its executed.
class OrderByQueryPlugin extends ExecuteQueryExtension {
public String beforeExecutQuery(QueryContext queryContext, String query) {
// sort the results by some column
return query + " ORDER BY " + someColumn;
DataExtraction Extension
With the Data extraction extension, you can modify or filter data that has been extracted from your data source.
- Object getObject(int columnIndex): Allows you to modify the returned value for a given column.
- Boolean moveToNextRow(): Allows you to skip/filter certain rows.
- int getColumnCount(): Allows you to change the number of columns in the response (e.g. add a column).
class PasswordRemover extends DataExtractionPlugin {
public Object getObject(int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex == PASSWORD_COLUMN) {
return "";
return super.getObject(columnIndex);
The example below adds a new column that is a sum of the other two columns.
@ConnectorPlugin(name="AddCalculatedColumnPlugin", scope=PluginExtensionScope.BUILD)
class AddCalculatedColumnPlugin extends DataExtractionExtension {
private int calculatedColumn;
public int getColumnCount() {
calculatedColumn = resultSet.getMetadata().getColumnCount() + 1;
return calculatedColumn;
public Object getObject(int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex == calculatedColumn) {
return resultSet.getInt(3) + resultSet.getInt(5);
return super.getObject(columnIndex)
Managing Connector Plug-ins
This section provides a list of commands you can run to install and manage your connector plug-ins. For information accessing the Sisense CLI, see Using Sisense CLI Commands.
Installing Plug-ins
si connectors plugins install -connector-id<connectorID> -file<full path to plugin [.tar.gz]>
This command extracts the tar.gz file into the "plugins" folder under the connectors folder. Sisense compiles the plug-in’s Java files, and if it succeeds, Sisense activates the plug-in according to the extensions it implements and its scope.
The tar.gz file must be located on a shared partition /opt/sisense/storage
> si connectors plugins install -connector-id sql -file /opt/sisense/storage/myPlugins/myConnectionPlugin.tar.gz
Extract myConnectionPlugin.tar.gz and copy its content into /opt/sisense/storage/connectors/framework/sql/plugins
and compile it
Viewing a List of Installed Plugins
si connectors plugins list
This command lists all plug-ins for all connectors and displays a table with the following columns: Connector ID | Name | Type | Scope | Plugin Version | SDK Version
- Connector ID: The connector ID the plug-in belongs to.
- Name: The plug-in name is taken from the name annotation.
- Type: The interface plug-in implements.
- Scope: Query, build which are taken from the scope annotation. Defined as a combination of a plugin scope and its methods scopes.
- Plugin Version: The version of the plug-in that is defined in the manifest.
- SDK Version: The version of the SDK the plug-in is compatible with that is included in plug-in’s tar.gz file.
Viewing a List of Plug-ins for a Connector
si connectors plugins list -connector-id <connectorID> -
This command lists all plug-ins for a specific connector and displays a table with the following columns: Name | Type | Scope | Plugin Version | SDK Version
> si connectors plugins list -id sql
Connector ID| Name | Type | Scope | Plugin Version | SDK Version
sql | myConnectionPlugin | Connection | query | 1.0.0 | 1.0.3
Uninstalling a Plug-in
si connectors plugins uninstall -connector-id <connectorID>
This command uninstalls all the plug-ins in the "plugins" folder and removes all the files from the "plugins" folder.
Adding a Plug-in and Uninstalling It
> si connectors plugins install -id sql -file /opt/sisense/storage/myPlugins/myConnectionPlugin.tar.gz
Extract myConnectionPlugin.tar.gz and copy its content into /opt/sisense/storage/connectors/framework/sql/plugins
and compile it
> si connectors plugins list -connector-id sql
Connector ID| Name | Type | Scope | Plugin Version | SDK Version
sql | myConnectionPlugin | Connection | query | 1.0.0 | 1.0.3
> si connectors plugins uninstall -connector-id sql
unload myConnectionPlugin class and delete the files from the "plugins" folder
> si connectors plugins list -connector-id sql
Connector ID| Name | Type | Scope | Plugin Version | SDK Version
Replacing a Plug-in
> si connectors plugins install -connector-id sql -file /opt/sisense/storage/myPlugins/myConnectionPlugin.tar.gz
Extract myConnectionPlugin.tar.gz and copy its content into /opt/sisense/storage/connectors/framework/sql/plugins
and compile it
> si connectors plugins uninstall -connector-id sql
unload myConnectionPlugin class and delete the files from the "plugins" folder
> si connectors plugins install -connector-id sql -file
Extract myNewConnectionPlugin.tar.gz and copy its content into /opt/sisense/storage/connectors/framework/sql/plugins
and compile it
> si connectors plugins list -connector-id sql
Connector ID| Name | Type | Scope | Plugin Version | SDK Version
sql | myNewConnectionPlugin | Connection | query | 1.0.0 | 1.0.3
Installing Plug-ins for Multiple Connectors
> si connectors plugins install -connector-id sql -file /opt/sisense/storage/myPlugins/mySqlPlugin.tar.gz
Extract mySqlPlugin.tar.gz and copy its content into /opt/sisense/storage/connectors/framework/sql/plugins and
compile it
> si connectors plugins install -connector-id oracle -file /opt/sisense/storage/myPlugins/myOraclePlugin.tar.gz
Extract myOraclePlugin.tar.gz and copy its content into /opt/sisense/storage/connectors/framework/oracle/plugins and
compile it
> si connectors plugins list
Connector ID| Name | Type | Scope
sql | mySqlPlugin | Connection | query
sql | mySqlPlugin | Discovery | query
oracle | myOraclePlugin | DataExtraction| build
oracle | myOraclePlugin | ExecuteQuery | query