Azure Deployment Script

Sisense provides a deployment script that you can use to deploy Sisense in your Azure environment:


The script above is just a sample. It should be modified as needed, and should not be used as-is.

The script deploys Sisense with one build node and two app/query nodes on Azure AKS with NetApp shared storage. The script contains predefined values that you should replace with your environment's values.

When run, it will perform the following steps:

  1. Create a resource group
  2. Configure Azure AKS with 3 nodes each with 8 Cores, 32GB Ram, 150GB Disk (Configurable)
  3. Define a NetApp account to be used
  4. Create a NetApp Pool
  5. Create Volumes in NetApp
  6. Download and deploy Sisense in Azure

After running the script in the Azure CLI, Sisense will be deployed in your Azure environment.


  • 24 cores budgeted in your region. Azure's default budget is 20 cores per region so contact Azure Support to add additional cores
  • NetApp account
  • Azure CLI needs to be installed on the machine and you must have access to the Azure CLI
  • The following details are needed for the script. Each one has defaults and can be changed in the script:
    • Resource_Group
    • AKS_Name
    • NetApp_Account_Name
    • Volume_Name
    • NFS_PATH

Deployment Script Parameters

The script has a list of variables in the # Existing Settings section that are used throughout the deployment process. Replace the following parameters with your own values:

  • SSH_KEY="/home/ubuntu/"
  • LOCATION="eastus2"
  • Service_Level="Standard" -- Premium is for production
  • Resource_Group="SisenseAKSRG"
  • AKS_Name="SisenseAKS"
  • NetApp_Account_Name="SisenseNetapp"
  • POOL_NAME="SisensePool"
  • Volume_Name="SisenseVolume"
  • NFS_PATH="SisenseStorage"
  • VM_Type="Standard_D8s_v3" -- Depending on the machine type
  • OSDisk_Size=150
  • K8S_Version="1.17.9"

After you have defined these parameters, run the script to deploy Sisense.